facilities for any purpose. The Frenchman’s Creek directory is for the private use of the members of Frenchman’s Creek and should not be shared with non -members. Use of the directory and its contents for any solicitation, commercial purpose or political purpose is prohibited. (adopted August 20, 2020) C. Only committees authorized by the Association’s By -Laws or by the Board of Governors may use the term “Committee” or represent themselves to the membership as such a committee for any purpose in any communication to members of the community in part or as a whole. (adopted May 21, 2020)

HURRICANE POLICY (adopted July 26, 2021)


A. The Clubhouse and all related facilities will not be used as a hurricane shelter for residents or staff.

B. Hurricane and storm shutters may be installed at the beginning of hurricane season but not earlier than May 1 st (except for Owners or residents who are leaving for the summer prior to May 1 st and receive prior written approval from the POA) and are required to be removed by November 30 th , except in cases where a tropical storm warning is pending. C. When there is a warning of an impending hurricane, full-time residents shall remove and store lawn furniture, sculptures, garden hoses, etc. which could become projectiles; seasonal residents shall be responsible for such precautions prior to their departure. In the event staff is required to perform these services. a charge will be levied. A. Role of the Grievance Committee. The role of the Grievance Committee is to investigate all written complaints relative to a ny Member’s alleged inappropriate conduct and acts, including violations of the Rules, Declaration or Bylaws (collectively, the “Governing Documents”); act as a mediator between two or more parties that have a dispute within the community; hold hearings regarding the alleged inappropriate conduct of a Member; and recommend to the Board of Governors appropriate disciplinary action. In fulfilling this role, the Committee, acting through the Chair and in consultation with the Club’s Senior Management, will see k where appropriate to resolve disputes and violations before they become formal grievances or before the Committee has ruled on them. As used in this Article, “Senior Management” means the two most senior executive employees of the Club, and “Executive Director” means the most senior executive employee of the Club. As used in this Article, “Chair” means the Grievance Committee Chair or, where the Chair is unable to serve under this Article, the Grievance Committee Vice Chair. B. Bringing a Grievance. The Executive Director, the Board President or any two members of the Board of Governors (excluding any such member who has a conflict of interest), may, after investigation and following the process outlined below, bring a grievance against a Member whom such person believes to have violated the



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