Employee Handbook
Sick Leave
The sick leave program is a form of security for an employee who is unable to work because of illness or injury. Sick leave may not be used to increase paid vacation time or used if ill while on vacation. You must be a full-time employee and worked for three (3) months of continuous employment to be eligible for sick pay.
Sick pay is accrued at the rate of .93 hours each weekly period totaling six (6) days leave per year. Sick leave can be used in increments of one hour or more for medical or dental appointments. Sick leave, for example, can also be used in the event that an employee may need to take time off from work to care for a sick child, spouse, or parent. In some cases, the employee ’ s supervisor may require a doctor’s note . Your unused sick leave days will accumulate from year to year. Sick leave pay granted cannot exceed the number of days accrued. Maximum accrual of sick time is thirty (30) days or two hundred forty (240) hours. Once you have reached the maximum accrual you will not accrue further sick time until you go below the maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours. Sick leave pay is not a benefit paid upon termination of employment. Sick leave may not always be granted. If you are eligible for workers ’ compensation payments, sick payment will not be allowed. If you have worked 40 or more hours during one week and are still absent, sick leave pay will not be granted. You will be considered for sick leave with pay if you are absent for three (3) consecutive days or more. Upon your return you must furnish a physician ’ s statement setting forth the nature of the disability.
There may be cases when a doctor ’ s note is requested for any absence. This will be left to the discretion of the supervisor or Human Resources.
Domestic Violence Leave
Florida law requires employers with fifty (50) or more employees to provide up to three (3) days leave for a variety of activities connected with domestic violence. Employees who have worked for Frenchman ’ s Creek for three (3) months or longer are eligible. The employee must speak with the Director of Human Resources at least three (3) days prior to the request of the leave unless the employee is prevented from doing so because of imminent danger to the health or safety of the employee or family members.
The law covers leave for specific activities such as:
Seek an injunction for protection against domestic violence
• Obtain medical care or mental health counseling or both for the employee or a family or household member to address injuries resulting from domestic violence
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