Employee Handbook
This employee handbook has been revised and approved by Frenchman ’ s Creek and it supersedes all previous copies of the employee handbook as well as any and all prior oral and/or written policies, procedures, rules, regulations, commitments, and practices of Frenchman ’ s Creek. I acknowledge receipt of a copy of Frenchman Creek ’ s employee handbook. I understand that this handbook is not intended to be a contract but is provided as a general explanation of policies which Frenchman ’ s Creek uses as guidelines. I further understand that Frenchman ’ s Creek reserves the right to change or modify the terms and conditions set forth at its discretion without prior knowledge to me or any other employee. I have entered into my employment relationship with Frenchman ’ s Creek voluntarily and acknowledge that there is no specified length of employment guaranteed by Frenchman ’ s Creek unless specifically agreed to in wiring by the Executive Director or other designated member of senior level management. Accordingly, either I or Frenchman ’ s Creek can terminate the relationship, with or without cause, at any time, with or without notice. The at-will basis of employment of any employee cannot be changed or modified, either expressly or implicitly, by anyone except the Executive Director or other designated member of senior level management.
I understand that I am responsible to know the contents of this handbook, including Frenchman ’ s Creek rules and regulations.
Employer ’ s Signature
Employee ’ s Signature
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