Employee Handbook
The Frenchman ’ s Creek safety committee, chaired by Human Resources, is the coordinating and working force behind the safety program. Meetings and inspections are held on a regular basis.
Employees will be disciplined for willful violations of safety rules and procedures. We must all work together and remember SAFETY IS EVERYONE ’ S JOB!
Speed Limit
The speed limit on Frenchman ’ s Creek property is posted at 25 mph. Exceeding the speed limit may result in your ID badge and/or transponder being revoked and your ability to drive on property for a period of time can be denied.
Should your position require you to drive to perform your duty, you will be reassigned to another position, or you may be required to have someone assigned to drive for you during that designated period.
Natural Disasters
In the event that a natural disaster such as fire, hurricane, tornado, flood, etc. threatens our area, Frenchman ’ s Creek will make every effort to ensure the safety of its members and employees. We know that your family and your home are important and should be placed first when making arrangements for such disasters. We do ask that you plan ahead to secure your family, your home, and your belongings as you may be required to report to work as needed by Frenchman ’ s Creek. We will make every effort to stagger or rotate shifts to allow all employees to prepare for these natural disasters and then return to work.
In the event of a hurricane, Frenchman ’ s Creek has a hurricane hotline for employees to call to learn the status of work. The hotline number is 561-273-2703. This will be updated as new instructions arrive.
Drug Free Workplace
Frenchman ’ s Creek cares about the health and well-being of all employees. The use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or controlled substances as it affects our employees, and the workplace is very important to us. Use of these substances on the job may endanger the employee, other employees, or members and is strictly prohibited. An individual ’ s involvement with alcohol or illegal drugs – whether on or off the job – has an impact on the working environment, the employee ’ s performance and, consequently, the ability of others to perform their jobs safely and successfully. In addition, the use or possession of illegal drugs on the job exposes Frenchman ’ s Creek to the risks of property loss or damage, or injury to other persons. If you are found to be distributing, using, selling, or possessing narcotics, illegal drugs or any controlled substance while on the job, you may be permanently dismissed even if it is a first offense. Frenchman ’ s Creek is committed to providing individuals with confidential assistance when dealing with personal problems, such as alcoholism and drug abuse.
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