Employee Handbook
If you think you would benefit from such assistance, please contact the Human Resources Department. Utilizing this assistance will not jeopardize your employment at Frenchman ’ s Creek. Note: the use of alcohol may be permitted during an employee event that is sponsored by Frenchman ’ s Creek off-site or outside of normal business hours. Employees are expected to exercise moderation and good judgment when consuming alcohol at any event sponsored by Frenchman ’ s Creek.
Smoke Free Workplace
To maintain a smoke-free work environment for its employees, members, and guests, Frenchman ’ s Creek complies with the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act (FCIAA) to protect its employees from the effects of secondhand smoke. Smoking or vaping of any kind is prohibited in all buildings, golf courses, and Frenchman ’ s Creek vehicles. A designated smoking area tent is located in front of the temporary employee ’ s dining room.
Please notify the Front Gate Security Office when you are expecting the arrival of clients or consultants to ease their entry onto the property. Otherwise, they will be detained until clearance can be obtained. The security gate direct dial is 561-622 7800.
In case of emergencies for fire, police, and ambulance, call the Security Office at 561 627-7500 immediately. In cases other than fire, police, and ambulance, including injuries, first contact your immediate supervisor.
Club Membership
Employees are not entitled to have a membership in Frenchman ’ s Creek. No one shall be accepted for employment that has a Club membership unless they wish to relinquish such membership before approval for employment.
Employee Relations
Frenchman ’ s Creek believes that employees are best served by dealing directly and fairly with them, providing good working conditions and competitive wages.
Conflict of Interest Policy Practice
It is the best practice of Frenchman ’ s Creek to respect the rights of employees to engage in activities outside of their employment that are private in nature and which in no way conflict with or reflect upon the Frenchman ’ s Creek and/or its image.
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