Employee Handbook

money in any form, or to distribute unauthorized literature to any member, at any time.

Employees who are found to have solicited or distributed literature for donation of monies of any kind will be subject to termination of employment.



If you find you are going to be late, call your department head or immediate supervisor two hours before your scheduled shift. A record of excessive tardiness will, like absenteeism, be a factor in appraising your performance and could lead to discipline, including termination of your employment.



If you are going to be absent, you must notify your department head or immediate supervisor as soon as possible, but no later than two hours prior to your scheduled start time. You must also notify your immediate supervisor each succeeding day you are going to be absent. Failure to notify your immediate supervisor may result in discipline, including termination of your employment. If you do not call in for three (3) consecutive days, you will be assumed to have voluntarily resigned. You will be requested to submit medical verification from your doctor if your absenteeism exceeds three (3) consecutive days.

If you are absent from work due to a medical or serious health condition for more than twelve (12) weeks or ninety (90) days per year, and provided additional leave is not required as reasonable accommodation or as provided for by the Family Medical Leave Act, your employment may be subject to termination.



It is Frenchman ’ s Creek policy to provide a clean, safe and healthy environment, in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Florida ’ s Worker ’ s Compensation Act, the Hazard Communication Standard, the Florida Right-to-Know Law and all other applicable codes and laws. As a member of our family, your health and well- being are very important to us. Work safely. Wear required safety equipment. Do not remove or bypass any guards on any equipment. Seat belts must be worn at all times while driving Frenchman ’ s Creek vehicles. Observe all posted safety rules and keep a neat and clean workplace. Personal safety equipment including glasses, gloves, back support and special safety clothing will be provided by Frenchman ’ s Creek when required. It is expected that you will use personal safety equipment when required for the performance of your job duties.


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