Employee Handbook

member entrances, restrooms, fitness center, pools, changing rooms, and beach chairs, golf and tennis facilities, club stationery, the postage meter, or the telephones for international phone calls. Domestic telephone calls are permitted but should be limited to emergencies. If an employee misuses or damages Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s property or the property of another employee, Frenchman ’ s Creek reserves the right to require the employee to pay all or part of the cost to repair or replace the property. Additionally, Employees are not allowed on the property during non-working hours without written prior consent of their immediate supervisor or Human Resources. The immediate supervisor or Human Resources must notify Security when employees are expected on the property at times for which they are not scheduled to work. Frenchman ’ s Creek recognizes that use of the Internet has many benefits for Frenchman ’ s Creek and its employees. The Internet and e-mail can make communication more efficient and effective. Therefore, employees are encouraged to use the Internet appropriately. Unacceptable usage of the Internet can place Frenchman ’ s Creek and others at risk. This policy discusses acceptable usage of the Internet and e-mail. The following guidelines have been established for using the Internet and e-mail in an appropriate, ethical and professional manner. Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s Internet and e mail access may not be used for transmitting, retrieving or storing of any communications of a defamatory, discriminatory or harassing nature or that is pornographic. No messages with derogatory or inflammatory remarks about an individual ’ s race, age, disability, religion, national origin, physical attributes or sexual preference shall be transmitted. Harassment/discrimination of any kind is prohibited. Disparaging, abusive, profane, or offensive language; materials that might adversely or negatively reflect upon Frenchman ’ s Creek or be contrary to Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s best interests; and any illegal activities including piracy, hacking, extortion, blackmail, copyright infringement, and unauthorized access to any computers on the Internet or email are forbidden. Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s Internet and email may not be used for soliciting for purpose unrelated to work. Copyrighted materials belonging to entities other than Frenchman ’ s Creek may not be transmitted by employees on its network. All employees obtaining access to other companies ’ or individual ’ s materials must respect all copyrights and may not copy, retrieve, modify or forward copyrighted materials, except with permission or as a single copy to reference only. Computer/Internet/Email


If you find something on the Internet that may be interesting to others, do not copy it to a network drive. Instead, give the URL (uniform resource locator or “ address ” ) to the person who may be interested in the information and have that person look at it on his/her own.

Do not use the system in a way that disrupts its use by others. This includes sending or receiving many large files and “ spamming ” (sending e-mail messages to thousands of users). If additional software is required to perform a specific task, complete a requisition form and have your supervisor approve. Software may not be brought from home to be installed. Computers are very sensitive pieces of equipment, and the


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