Employee Handbook

installation of outside software can jeopardize the integrity of the systems utilized at Frenchman ’ s Creek. Personal software, games, etc., may not be installed on any Frenchman ’ s Creek computer. Each employee is responsible for the content of all text, audio, or images that he/she places or sends over Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s Internet and e-mail system. No e-mail or other electronic communications may be sent which hides the identity of the sender or represents the sender as someone else. Also, be aware that Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s name is attached to all messages, so use discretion in formulating messages. Generally, e-mail is not private or confidential. All electronic communications are Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s property. Therefore, Frenchman ’ s Creek reserves the right to examine, monitor and regulate email messages, directories and files, as well as Internet usage. Also, the Internet is not secure, so do not assume that others cannot read or possibly alter your messages. Internal and external email messages are considered business records and may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation. Be aware of this possibility when sending email within and outside Frenchman ’ s Creek. All Frenchman ’ s Creek-supplied technology, including computer systems and its related work records, belong to Frenchman ’ s Creek and not the employee. Frenchman ’ s Creek routinely monitors usage patterns for its e-mail and Internet communications. Although encouraged to explore the vast resources available on the Internet, employees should use discretion in the sites that are accessed. Since all the computer systems and software, as well as the email and Internet connection, are Frenchman ’ s Creek owned, all policies are in effect at all times. Any employee who abuses the privilege of Frenchman ’ s Creek facilitated access to e-mail or the Internet, may be denied access to the Internet and if appropriate, be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Frenchman ’ s Creek has set up a computer room for employees to use. This is located in a room next to the employee dining room. Employees may use the computers before or after work or during breaks. Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s Right to monitor and consequences



Social Media Policy

At Frenchman ’ s Creek, we understand that social media can be a fun and rewarding way to share your life and opinions with family, friends and co-workers around the world. However, use of social media also presents certain risks and carries with it certain responsibilities. To assist you in making responsible decisions about your use of social media, we have established these guidelines for appropriate use of social media.


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