2024-2027 Brochure

Eric Wolf Page 2

1. Why do you want to become a member of the Board and what motivates you?

There are many important changes that we are experiencing now, and will continue to experience in the future. The manner in which these changes are addressed by the Community, the Board, and Management, will have significant impact on all of us individually. Throughout my personal and professional life I have undertaken fiduciary and leadership roles in large and small organizations. These experiences have helped me develop skills in operations, governance, strategy, and organizational development, each of which is important for any member of the Frenchman ’ s Creek Board. As a member of the Community, I am motivated to contribute as effectively as I can to ensure that the future of French man ’ s meets the expectations of our current and future members. 2. What is your vision for the future of Frenchman ’ s Creek, and as a member of the Board, what specific action plans would you advocate for how to execute your vision? While much has changed in the past 7 years, my vision for Frenchman ’ s Creek is aligned with the core values of the most recent (2017) version of our strategic plan: Preservation of our warm and friendly Club culture and sense of community; Exceptional staff and service quality throughout the Club. In executing on this vision, I believe the Board needs to evaluate each of our future decisions in two respects. First, how does the decision effect our culture, our most valuable intangible asset; and second how does the decision optimize the value of our tangible assets. In short, I believe it is the responsibility of the Board, the Community, and Management to “ Do the right things, and Do them the right way ”. Many of the important future decisions will be made and implemented over the next few years. To me, these would include: The Clubhouse (completion of construction and plans for operations); The new Strategic Plan (in process); Long Term Capital Plan (in process); Sale of Lots to non - resident members (under discussion); Generational Transfers (in process); Communications and Branding (in process); Updating of ARB rules and operations (under consideration); Changes to Frenchman ’ s Realty operations (in process); Update of By - Laws, scale and operation of the Frenchman ’ s Creek Charitable Foundation (in process).

I look forward to participating in how Frenchman ’ s addresses these, and future, opportunities.

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