Other Boards/Programs

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FRENCHMAN ’ S CREEK LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION Lisette Siegel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Chairpersons

Mimi Bergel Arlene Caplan Marjorie Feinstein Marjorie Feld* Ellen Goldstein Wendy Grabler

Sandy Hoffman Robin Kimball* Lois Kleinberg Judy Konigsberg Dottie Kovel

Debra Lalonde Joan Mopper Suzanne Moskow

Robyn Rosenblatt Lila Silver Leslie Skolnick* Suzanne Speiser* Wendy Weinstein

Shelley Parker Linda Robins

* Executive Committee

The Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Association (FCLGA) is open to all women residents of Frenchman ’ s Creek. Our objec tives are to create, promote and maintain women ’ s golf and its activities. Each year we seek to present exciting and stimulating golf events for the community. We currently have over 246 members, which includes our increasing number of participants playing in the nine hole events. During the year, we sponsor two Ladies Member/Guest days; Couples events and our Tuesday Ladies Days for 18 and 9 holers.

We end our major events with the Cub Championship. We begin the season and end the season with an ABCD 9 hole scramble, followed by a fun luncheon. We have a general meeting of the entire membership at the closing luncheon. I would like to thank the FCLGA board for their dedication and hard work. Special thanks to our Director of Golf, JR Congdon and a major thank you to Kim Augusta, our golf professional, without whom none of this would be possible. Thanks, also, to all the golf professionals and staff for all their help and hard work.

Lisette Siegel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Chairpersons Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Association

We run three partnered multi - day tournaments each season: the Eclectic, Member/Member and Bruno Cup.

VOLUNTEER MATCH PROGRAM Andrea Finkel, Chairperson Peter & Nancy Berkley, Emeritus

Project Coordinators

Margery Gottfried Stuart Halpert

Marie - Adler Kravecas Mike Morgan

Barbara Stern Barbara Wiener

The Frenchman ’ s Creek Volunteer Match Program (VMP) was established in 2014. Since then it has offered opportunities for our members for stand alone projects or continuing opportuni ties to help our community based organizations.

• Support to the Literacy Coalition on projects for both adults and children which is coordinated with our Charity Foundation • Clothing, Food, and Golf Club drives will continue in the future to help organizations in the Palm Beach County area • Nonprofit Board Match - Connect volunteers from French man's Creek with Palm Beach County non profit Boards of Directors.

Our focus is to help members to find opportunities to volunteer where their expertise can be best utilized.

Current and Ongoing Projects: • School Tutoring at El Sol, Edna Runner, and thru the Liter ary Coalition • Mentoring - Advising students in High School about career opportunities and advising them about career models

Andrea Finkel, Chairperson Volunteer Match Program Committee

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 22

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