RACQUET SPORTS Mark Levine, Chairperson Keri Iris & Karen Allen , Vice - Chairpersons Martin Krall, Board Liaison

Lynne Cooper Joel Comiteau Joan Gelch Gerald Goldstein

Monique Gurock Dottie Kovel Joel Leavitt

Laura Lustig Amy Savitt Jonathan Shaw Lee Storch

We have had a very busy year. Needless to say Tikkyball has become very busy and continues to build in numbers. Women ’ s tennis playing has increased and Frenchman ’ s Creek has been able to field an inter club team captained by very able Lynne Cooper. Men ’ s tennis is hoping for a resurgence over the next couple of years being limited by aging and injuries. Most importantly Miles Tucker has allowed our racquet sports committee to come to the table in giving our input on selection of the best available vendor for constructing our new pickleball and tennis facilities. Our committee is most appreciative. Thanks to Karen Allen for all her hard work putting our com mittee ’ s ideas together. Tikkyball and tennis clinics are well attended and robust thanks to Paulo and Tikky. The statistics for Tikkyball and tennis play over the holidays were at an all time high and everyone was easily accommodated.

Paul has done an outstanding job of filling out tennis games of comparable quality. A scheduling app is now in place.

An ambassador ’ s program has been initiated to reach out to new members encouraging and inviting them to participate in our clinics and social events. Finally our upcoming year will be challenging with only 2 ten nis courts and 4 Tikkyball courts for over a year however the rainbow at the end of that time will showcase 10 new pickle ball, 10 new tennis courts and approximately 3 refurbished Tikkyball courts along with our remaining 4 courts.

Mark Levine, Chairperson Keri Iris & Karen Allen , Vice - Chairpersons Racquet Sports Committee

...to all the Frenchman’s Creek Committees for your combined efforts and contributions to our Community.

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 21

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