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Table Of Contents
Executive Director/COO Message
Membership Report
President’s Message
Retiring Board Members
2023/2024 Board of Governors
Ad Hoc Committee Report
Committee Reports
Standing Committee Articles
Operating Committee Articles
Other Boards / Programs
Charity Committees
23 — 24
Audit Committee Report
Audited Financials April 30, 2023
26 — 51
Report Purpose and Distribution Th e purpose of this Annual Report is to provide: • An overview of the financial position and operations of Frenchman ’ s Creek, Inc.—Audited Financial Report, Fiscal Year ending April 30, 2023; • An annual report of the Standing, Operating and Charity Committees for the community year ending at the Annual Meeting on March 16, 2024; and • Any other information of interest. Hard copies of the Annual Report can be obtained at the POA Office (561) 627 - 1467. For an individual copy of the Audited Financial Report—April 30, 2023, please contact the Accounting Department at (561) 868 - 6382. Both Reports can be obtained on the website at www.frenchmanscreek.com.
A Message from our Executive Director & COO
• John Zaloom has also been a great addition to the team. John is leading our finance department in a way that has inspired not just my confidence but also that of the finance committee and the Board. John has updated the financial reports that we provide to the finance committee, the board, and community as a whole, and recently announced a new area of the website where members can view both summary reports and the detailed monthly reports that are provided to the finance committee if they prefer. These improve ments to our reporting and transparency have been well received, and will be hallmarks of our Administration. equipment and team he inherited, Bill has embarked on the process of bringing improve ments to all areas of the Golf Course Mainte nance Department. He identified the need to replace the pump station for our irrigation system and has worked with Santiago to develop a plan to complete the work, and the associated changes to the building the pumps reside in during the coming off season. He has also devel oped a comprehensive lease program for golf course equipment. While the new members of the team deserve credit for the progress they have made in their areas, the tenured members of the team also deserve great credit for addressing the challenges they have faced in their operations. Bernie has placed his focus on the POA and is leading an overhaul of its organiza tional structure, Cindy has continued to set the standard for others to aspire to at the Beach Club, JR, Paula and Tikky have found ways to operate in the midst of a construction zone, David has signifi cantly improved the dining experience in the Pavil ion, Santiago has reintroduced Home Services, and our hidden heroes in HR and Marketing have contin ued to work tirelessly to meet the needs of the organ ization. • William “ Bill ” Schmit has also hit the ground running. After an initial review of the facilities,
If I had to choose one word to sum up the 2023 - 24 year at Frenchman ’ s Creek, it would be PROGRESS, as I believe that is exactly what we have seen over the last 12 months. Yes, there is still much to be done but an objective review of the past year would show robust progress on the largest capital project the community has ever undertaken, progress on the continued development of the leadership team, progress in operations, and progress toward the completion and implementa tion of a comprehensive strategic plan. Starting with the new Clubhouse, the shell of the building is almost complete, and dry - in will be completed before the start of the summer. The project is currently on schedule and on budget, which is a testament to the outstanding leadership of our Construction Committee, which is Chaired by Harvey Schulweis and ably supported by Michael Azeez, Jeff Stanfield, Bruce Malasky, and Santiago Gonzalez. This year we made three significant changes to the management team – hiring a new Executive Chef, a new CFO, and a new Director of Agronomy. • Chef Tim has made an immediate impact on the quality of food, management of the kitchen, food costs and member satisfaction. He has also started the process of building out his brigade, so that we have a team that is ready to perform at the highest levels when we get into the new clubhouse. It should be noted that Tim has done an excellent job of recognizing the talent he inherited – promoting Chef Alex from the Beach Club to the position of Executive Sous Chef, and Chef Rico from the Pool to the position of Beach Club Chef, while also bring ing in talented culinarians like our new Execu tive Pastry Chef Kursten Restivo.
Continues on Page 2
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Another area where we made significant progress was the important priority of member engagement. Over the past 12 months, we have provided mem bers with numerous opportunities to let us know what is on their minds, including: Townhall Discussions • Activities, events, and services for year - round residents • Security • The Future of the Fitness Center & Spa
In closing, May 1 marks the start of the 2024 - 25 fis cal year, which will bring with it an opportunity to build on all of this progress and, as we watch the exterior of the clubhouse begin to take its final form, continue to elevate the member experience to the highest levels possible within the limits of our tem porary operations. While there have definitely been some challenges to overcome this year, the highlight for me has been the continued support and encour agement the members have given me and the team as we work to drive the club and community onward and upward.
Operational Updates •
Fitness Center & Spa
Food & Beverage and Culinary
• • • •
Golf Ops and Golf Maintenance Racquet Sports (coming up)
Miles W. Tucker Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer
Surveys • Comprehensive survey conducted by GGA • Department Surveys • Group Fitness Classes Survey • Pavilion dining satisfaction survey • Beach Club dining satisfaction survey • Poolside Café dining satisfaction survey • Lunch with COO – events in December, Janu ary, February, and (coming up) in March • Countless 1 - on - 1 meetings with both new and long - tenured members.
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Membership Report: (since our last Annual Report)
Welcome New Members:
In Memory:
Elaine Adler Robert Beren Irving Booksin Jayne Cohan Ann Cohen Robert Davis
Marc and Phyllis Beige Leslie Delman and Laurence Davis Clifford and Katherine Drusinsky Dr. Richard & Randi Kaden Dr. Hugo & Karen Kitzis Lawrence and Alisa Kohn James and Tracy Krantz Paul and Lisa Magidson Richard and Lauren Maybaum William and Lynn Shea Alex and Lauri Siegel Lynne London and Benn - Jay Spiegel Eric and Jill Sussman Alan and Beth Waldenberg Charles and Lori Weinstein Jeffrey and Robin Weiss Jeffrey and Valerie Wilpon Samuel and Margaret Woodside David and Melora Meyer Michael and Pamela Miller Gregory and Dana Rogers James and Wendy Schreiber
Shirley Goldberg Frank Grobman James Hanig Laurence Hoffman John Holsten O. Robert Kaufman Sheldon Kupper Eugene Lane Jay Lassner Irene Miller Rita Miller Sherman Rosen Frank Rosiny Arnold Rovner Edward Sack Jerrold Salmanson Janice Sambol Jerome Scheckman Stuart Schlossman Harvey Schulweis Dr. Melvin Shuter Joan Simmons Bobbi Sobel Richard Sussman Paula Wolfson
Membership 598
Golf Members one empty lot with membership
Tennis Member
Homes with No Membership Purchased (grandfathered)
Empty Lot (no membership)
2023/2024 Annual Report Page 3
A Message from our President
Dear Fellow Members,
I trust you have enjoyed another season at Frenchman ’ s Creek. Although the weather wasn ’ t the best, we still had opportunities to enjoy our club.
Our Clubhouse project is moving along and we are still targeting a summer of 2025 “ soft ” opening, with full access in the fall. Much work needs to be completed as we start working on the interior finishes. Miles and his staff have come together as a team. Our new staff have been integrated with our tenured staff to provide the services we desire and increased professionalism of our operations. There is always room for improvement and miles continues to drive the performance of the staff. The Board has worked through a few initiatives. Our real estate operation has been established. We are wrapping up the strategic plan with the completion of the long term capital plan. Overall, the new nominating process worked well. The revisions to the declaration on the generational transfers were passed by the membership. We are concluding a revision of our arb fees and structure to bring additional professionals to assist the process. The many members who volunteer their time to serve on various committees have and continue to make our club a better place. I ’ d like to thank them for all of their dedication and commitment. It truly makes a difference for us. We will start the planning process for a few important projects. Our maintenance and operations center is in desperate need of replacement. The fitness and spa facilities need a redo. We will be seeking member input on what types of services and improvements they would like to see. We will then be able to develop a budget and timeframe to complete the project. We also will begin the pro cess of improving our golf practice facilities and conducting research on how our courses are played.
We welcomed new members to our Board. We thank the outgoing board members for their service. Their time and dedication to our club is much appreciated.
Michael Azeez P resident, Board of Governors
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Retiring Board Members
March 2024
Robert Annunziata
Harvey Schulweis
Gale Salz
December 2023
Jill Kremer
Thank you to our retiring Board Members for their extraordinary contribution and dedicated service to the Board of Governors and the Frenchman’s Creek Community!
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Board of Governors Officers & Directors 2023 - 2024
Michael Azeez President— 2023 - 2024 Board Member— 2020 - 2026
Ellen Malasky 1st Vice President— 2023 - 2024 Board Member— 2021 - 2024
Robert Scherer 3rd Vice President— 2023 - 2024 Board Member— 2019 - 2025
Herbert Selzer Treasurer— 2021 - 2024 Board Member— 2019 - 2025
Robert Annunziata 2nd Vice President— 2023 - 2024 Board Member— 2021 - 2024
Jeffrey Parker Secretary— 2023 - 2024 Board Member— 2021 - 2024
Stephen Cohen Board Member— 2023 - 2026
Diane Exter Board Member— 2020 - 2026
Martin Krall Board Member— 2020 - 2026
Jill Kremer Board Member— 2021 - 2023
Carey Pack Board Member— 2023 - 2026
Jeffrey Maurer Board Member— 2022 - 2025
Jonathan Mayblum Board Member - 2022— 2025
Gale Salz Board Member— 2021 - 2024
Harvey Schulweis Board Member— 2021 - 2024
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Ad Hoc Committee
NEW CLUBHOUSE CONSTRUCTION Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson
Michael Azeez Bruce Malasky Jeffrey Stanfield
last full quarterly report. Our review of the additional change orders for February and March are not esti mated to significantly impact the contingency re serves through the first quarter of 2024. As for the estimated completion, we are on schedule with details such as utility installation, kitchen equip ment, lighting, HVAC planning and installation, ten nis court planning, waterproofing, low voltage instal lation and planning and ordering of the furniture and fixtures. We are not expecting supply or labor delays which might cause disruption in the completion schedule. The Ad Hoc Committee will continue to provide monthly and quarterly updates to the Board and Com munity through the completion of the project.
The Construction Committee is pleased to report that the progress of the Clubhouse project continues to be on budget and on the ex pected timetable as of the end of January 2024.
The budgeted contingencies continue to be in line with what was estimated to be available as of the end of December 2023, i.e., the
Harvey Schulweis, Chairperson New Clubhouse Construction Ad Hoc Committee
Regrettably, Harvey passed away on March 18th …. prior to his passing he submitted this report. We recognize his numerous contributions to the Community as a Board Member and Chairman of the New Clubhouse Committee...for which we are genuinely grateful He will be sadly missed.
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Committee Reports (Pages 9 — 25)
The Board of Governors is deeply appreciative of the many residents who volunteer their time and expertise to serve on the Frenchman’s Creek Standing and Operating Committees, Sub-Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees.
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(Pages 9 — 12) Standing Committees
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD Dick Adler & Ruth Krall, Co - Chairpersons John Mayblum, Board Liaison
Jeffrey Fisher Ellen Goldstein Michele Haber
Stuart Halpert Lois Kleinberg Bruce Malasky
Linda Pack Alexis Shaw Debbie Spiro
The Committee continues to review the ARB Manual and is cur rently in the process of reviewing that revision with the Board as well as working on the new fee schedule. The additional revenue raised by the new fee schedule will allow the POA to hire an ARB coordinator and construction site coordi nator to oversee the application process, enforce construction rules, and ensure that the construction follows the plans as ap proved by the ARB committee.
Frenchman ’ s Creek continued to undergo a major architectur al transformation during this past year. The ARB has re viewed an unprecedented number of applications for improve ments in members ’ residences, with a view to perpetuating a vision of quality and harmony throughout the community. Over the past year, the ARB considered over 75 applications for tear downs and new builds of Villa, Patio and Custom homes, major renovations, including front, side, rear and sec ond story additions, new pools and landscape/hardscape de signs. Additionally, new roofs, hurricane impact windows and paver replacements were approved administratively. The Committee had revised the ARB Manual two times in the last two years and submitted it to the Board, only later to with draw it due to the ever - mounting issues that continue to arise due to the volume of construction on homes in the communi ty. Additionally, the Committee has analyzed Frenchman ’ s Creek ARB fees in relation to the ARB fees of communities in the area.
During this fiscal year, the ARB collected approximately $70,000 in fees to Frenchman ’ s Creek.
Dick Adler & Ruth Krall, Co - Chairpersons Architectural Review Board Committee
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FINANCE Herbert Selzer, Treasurer & Chairperson
Bill Glassman & Rich Fentin, Co - Vice - Chairpersons Jeffrey Parker & Jeffrey Maurer, Board Liaisons
Jon Barovick Bruce Haber
Donna Smolens Fred Stern Robert Shustak Michael Strongin
Paul Konigsberg Mark Rosenbaum
The Finance Committee meets every month and in my opinion is the most important standing Committee of Frenchman ’ s Creek. This fiscal year began with John Zaloom, our new chief financial officer, jumping right into his new position and making extraordinary improvements to every aspect of the Committee ’ s operations. His bullet point presentations of our monthly financial statements has simplified these reports and made them more informative and easily understandable. Under his guidance the Committee now distributes a short form finan cial report each month to the membership with all pertinent financial information for easy access for their information. For the first time in the history of Frenchman ’ s Creek, John has worked diligently with the New Clubhouse Construction Committee to produce a quarterly financial report on the new clubhouse project. This report is available to all members and presents all funds spent to date, the estimated total project ex penditures and variance to budget with a specific schedule of contingency expenditures. For fiscal year 2024, the Committee instituted a new vet ting program to produce both the capital and operating budg ets. Two sub - committees were formed to review department expenditures, interview all department heads and senior man agement and produce specific line item budgets for the Finance
Committee to review and approve. This has produced more accu rate budgeting which is reflective in this year ’ s operations. Cur rently the Club and POA are performing better than budget in fiscal year 2024. The 2025 capital budget sub - committee has already sent its recommendation to the Board and the operating sub - committee is beginning its efforts which will be completed shortly. Since the Finance Committee meets every month, there is an enormous amount of work involved to produce the monthly finan cial reports, the annual audited financial statement and the day to day financial accounting. The entire financial team headed by John, with the tremendous support of Janet Baldwin, Candy Guo and Bernadette Mukaka - Ceant must be recognized. Our Commit tee could not function without their efforts and dedication. I also want to thank Bill Glassman and Rich Fentin, the respective heads of the operating and capital budget sub - committees, and board liaisons Jeff Parker and Jeff Maurer, for their efforts this year. It has been my privilege to serve the community as Treasur er during the past 3 years and thank both Diane Exter and Mike Azeez for entrusting this responsibility to me.
Herbert Selzer, Treasurer & Chairperson Bill Glassman & Rich Fentin, Co - Vice - Chairpersons Finance Committee
GOVERNANCE Shelley Parker, Chairperson Marcia Levy, Vice - Chairperson Steve Cohen & Marty Krall, Board Liaisons
Ken Bezozo Jane Feinstein
Jonathan Goldstein Jonathan Shaw Joan Spero
The Governance Committee has had a productive year. The Committee recommended to the FC Board a by - law revision regarding the selection of the Nominating Committee, which both the Board and the community approved. The new Nominating Committee selection process was success fully implemented this year. A number of minor tweaks to the process will be on the 2024 ballot.
A sub - committee of the Governance Committee and the FC Board has reviewed potential revisions to the equity transfer rules. A proposal will be on the 2024 ballot.
The Governance Committee continues to review and revise the Frenchman ’ s Creek Rules and Regulations.
Shelley Parker, Chairperson Marcia Levy, Vice - Chairperson Governance Committee
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GRIEVANCE Mark Jacobs, Chairperson
Howard Hoffman Bruce Malasky Suzanne Kopp - Moskow
Patti Raber Max Marcia Rubin Barbara Sheldon Vickie Wildstein
The role of the Grievance Committee is to promote the friendly and collegial atmosphere that defines the lifestyle and traditions of Frenchman ’ s Creek by providing a forum for resolving dis putes and, when warranted, conducting formal hearings to deter mine if a member has violated the Code of Conduct. The Grievance Committee seeks, whenever possible, to defuse problems before they result in formal grievances. Most matters that come to the attention of the Grievance Committee are re solved privately, without the need for a formal process. The Grievance Committee does not initiate a grievance or im pose a penalty. Grievances can only be brought by two Board members or by senior management, and only the Board can impose a penalty.
If, after investigating and holding a hearing on a grievance, the Committee determines that a Rules violation has occurred, it may recommend to the Board that a suspension, a fine or other penalty be imposed, and the Board may accept, reject or modify the Grievance Committee ’ s recommendation. Unfortunately, in recent months there has been a sharp uptick in the number of cases before us. In each matter, it is our commit ment to handle each case fairly, confidentially and as expeditious ly as possible.
Mark Jacobs, Chairperson Grievance Committee
STRATEGIC PLANNING Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Miles Tucker, ED/COO
Michael Azeez Dianne Exter Marie Adler - Kravecas Jonathan Mayblum
Jeffrey Maurer Carey Pack Sandy Salz Robert Scherer
The Strategic Planning Committee is led by Chair Ellen Malasky and committee members Diane Exter, Jonathan May blum, Jeffrey Maurer, Robert Sherer, Michael Azeez, Carey Pack, Sandy Salz and Marie Adler - Kravecas. The Committee has been working with consultants GGA Partners to develop and build a strategic plan to move the community forward into the future. GGA held focus groups both on campus at Frenchman ’ s and virtually, with more than 170 members participating. The fo cus groups helped GGA develop the member - wide survey that asked each and every member to participate and provide re sources. The survey closed on April 16, 2023 and the results were provided to the Board and SPC in late May and shared with the community through a special meeting with GGA held in July via zoom.
The SPC has been working to finalize the strategic plan to pro vide a clear roadmap on where we are going but has implemented many of the items identified in the member survey as important to the community: • New nominating process • Reduced size of Board • Revenue generating ideas being vetted so they can be put to vote by the community • Capital Reserves study completed with heavy involvement from FC management team to provide enhanced understand ing of maintenance needs and budgeting • Management improvements to many areas of the club • Real estate operations refresh • Generational transfer issue being brought to community for vote.
Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Strategic Planning Committee
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NOMINATING COMMITTEE Karen Rosenbaum, Chairperson Steve Cohen, Non - Voting Board Member
Marjorie Feld Michael Forman Ellen Goldstein Stuart Halpert
Paul Mendez David Rosenblatt Joan Spero Darryl Weiss
The Committee nominated the following candidates: Ellen Malasky, Jeffrey Parker, Lisette Siegel and Eric Wolf. After the names were announced to the community, Alan Gurock gathered 40 signatures of members in good standing, and sub mitted a petition to also run for a board seat. I would like to thank the Nominating Committee for their time, hard work and dedication in this years Nominating pro cess.
The Nominating process began on November 1, 2023, with a letter to the membership explaining the new nominating com mittee selection process, and with instructions on how to apply to be on the Nominating Committee. On December 16, 2023 the Nominating Committee members were announced. Our first organizational meeting was held on January 4, 2024. I was chosen to be the chair of the committee through a blind draw. There were twelve (12) candidates running for four open Board positions. All candidates had impressive resumes and back grounds. The Committee conducted interviews over a three day period. We deliberated and per the By - Laws nominated candi dates equal to the number of vacancies.
Karen Rosenbaum 2023/2024 Nominating Committee
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(Pages 13 — 21) Operating Committees
ART Laurie Comiteau, Chairperson Judy Cosentino, Vice - Chairperson Jill Kremer, Board Liaison
Marie Adler - Kravecas Amy Barovick Faith Goldstein Esther Gordon
Lori Gross Barbara Hanig Lisann Jacobs Robin Kimball
Carol Mendez
January. The Art Committee will discuss possibly adding or changing speakers for more variety.
Our FC Art Committee has grown to 9 members. We are sor ry to lose our board liaison Jill Kremer who has been such a strong advocate for the Art Program at FC. We look forward to working with her replacement. The Art Exhibitions at the Beach Club that ran from January - April 2023 were a huge success. Artists continued to display some of their art over the summer months. The Holiday Art Exhibition (December 8, 2023 —January 15, 2024 featured 14 of our talented FC artists and was enjoyed by all. It will be followed by a “ Winter ” Art Exhibition, a “ Spring ” Art Exhibi tion and then a “ Summer ” one, providing we have enough new art to display. In September the Art Lecture Series was relocated to the for mer Tennis Shop. Members and guests were treated to bever ages and appetizers at 5pm. It proved to be a more intimate atmosphere where everyone could hear Terryl Lawrence speak clearly and was given great reviews. The attendance went from 10 in September to 40 in November to 25 in
Art classes are going well at the Church, providing much of the new art for the exhibitions at the Beach Club. Members are very happy with the instructor. We have had interest in the beginner classes but no sign ups yet. Marketing has been exceptional with advertising flyers for Tuesday ’ s classes, Thursday ’ s Beginner Classes, the Art Lectures and Art Exhibitions in the FC daily communications, monthly flyer and Season Handbook. As the construction phase continues for the New Clubhouse, our committee looks forward to discussing the needs of the Art Stu dio to include, but not limited to, proper ventilation, disposal of hazardous products, storage, etc. The Art Committee ’ s primary goal is to always meet the needs of the Art Community here at FC.
Laurie Comiteau, Chairperson Judy Cosentino, Vice - Chairperson Art Committee
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COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Paul Mendez, Chairperson Diane Exter, Board Liaisons
Nina Botel Carol Crane Ed Crane
Jay Kaltman Gloria Kramer Hope Kessler Carolyn Kotler Carol Mendez
Susan Shaw Carol Sherman Phyllis Shustak Lynda Strusiner Cara Young
Robert Ellinger Budd Goldman
The goal of the Activities Committees is to create and provide a wide range of non - sport activities for the Frenchman's Communi ty. We began in May 2023 with an email survey to the members, the purpose which was to elicit their degree of interest in a list of 25 possible Activities. Within a week we had 255 responses. To further understand the degree of potential participation in early November 2023 we held an Activities Fair in the Pavilion where we had over 400 sign ups for the various activities offered. Currently we are running 17 Activities. Each Activity has a coor dinator who is a member of the Activities Committee. The Activ ities are: Duplicate Bridge, Canasta, Card Parties, Movie Night, Authors Night, Concert Night, Men ’ s Discussion, Women's Dis cussion, Cooking, Book Talks, Walking, Dog Owners, Excur sions, Pot Luck Dinners, Mahjong, Shooting Club and Car Club.
The night Activities for Movies, Concerts and Authors drew over 150 participants for each Event. The other Activities have drawn approximately 200 individual participants in total. We have worked all season with Marketing to create member awareness of our offerings. This is our greatest problem as the membership is saturated with so much news that they cannot differentiate something new that they might be interested in from something old that they previously rejected. We will be developing a brochure for new and existing mem bers describing all the New Activities being offered and the contact person. We started this season from zero. A program like this has never been done before at Frenchman's. All the work to make this happen was done by our volunteer members. Next season with the help of a Budget, we expect that these Activities will be incorporated Into the fabric of the Frenchman's Community.
Our Activities are open to all Frenchman's members.
Paul Mendez, Chairperson Community Activities Committee
CREEK CONNECTION Karen Allen & Melanie Shulman, Co - Chairpersons Nancy Citrin, Lesley Koeppel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Vice - Chairpersons
Sara Bernstein Sandy Bobb Birdie Chow Mary Lou Cocci Lynne Cooper Mark Cooper Andrea Finkel Debbie Fradkin
Ellen Goldstein Faith Goldstein Suzi Goodwin Margery Gottfried Ellen Gottlieb Debbie Hershman Jeri Jacobs Linda Jacobs
Hope Kessler Gloria Kramer Stanley Levin Laura Mayblum Robin Mintz MaryAnn Nordheimer Shelley Parker Patricia Raber Max
Wendy Reisman Linda Robins Mimi Rocker Beth Rosen Karen Rosenbaum Stacy Rubin Phyllis Shustak
Jane Tauber Karen Weiss
Our New Member Cocktail Event in February will host nearly 100 existing and new members who will come together to make friends and celebrate the bonds that make our communi ty special. The Creek Connection initiative is at the core of what French man ’ s Creek stands for. We are about promoting camaraderie in the most welcoming atmosphere in our wonderful country club environment. We will continue to build and strengthen these connections that make our community truly exceptional. Karen Allen & Melanie Shulman, Co - Chairpersons Nancy Citrin, Lesley Koeppel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Vice Chairs Creek Connection Committee
This season the Creek Connection continued our wonderful work pairing new members with existing ones who share similar de mographics, background and interests. This immediate link fos ters meaningful connections within our community. Our buddy program provides a welcome communication to new homeown ers within days of their home closing. Buddies then continue to reach out and invite the new members to integrate into the many activities here at FC. With over 15 different interest areas and activities identified, our liaison program is not just about outreach; it's a strategic effort to seamlessly integrate new members into the daily life here at Frenchman ’ s Creek. It's about breaking the ice, creating connec tions, and bringing our newest members into the mix.
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ENTERTAINMENT Herbert Glatt & Michael Eigner, Co - Chairpersons Gale Salz, Board Liaison Steve Gordon, MAC Liaison
Sue Davis Barbara Field Andrea Finkel Sandy Glassman Kevin Ilsen
Jeri Jacobs Andi Jayson Gail Kaltman Judy Konigsberg
Dottie Kovel Ellen Lieb Linda Robbins Beth Rosen
Stacy Rubin Phyllis Shustak Lila Silver Melanie Shulman Wendy Weinstein
The goal of the Entertainment Committee is to provide a wide variety of entertainment options for our ever - changing commu nity. We strive to appeal to the wide variety of age ranges, from our senior to new and younger members. We felt that the best way to accomplish these goals is to interview and appoint new and younger members to serve on the committee. By successful ly doing so, our committee now represents a cross - section of the membership. As a result, we believe that our series of planned events for the 2023 - 2024 season is promoting greater member interaction. We are sensitive to the entertainment interests of all age groups and will continue to further advance our member ’ s sense of community. Our proposed calendar of events was carefully crafted to have "something for everyone." As a Committee, we are well aware of the changing demographics of our membership and embrace our new members, especially our new younger members who will help sustain the viability of our club for many years to come. We have created sub - committees who will work along side the two Co - Chairs of the Entertainment Committee to eval uate and chose the talent. They also work with management in the planning of each event. Additionally, we have chosen repre sentatives of our committee to work with the Creek Connection and Marketing and Communications (MAC) committees to ena ble us to promote our events to the entire membership. We will work during the off season to develop a "Save the Date ” listing for every entertainment event. This was well re ceived by the membership last season as it gave them the oppor tunity to plan for the upcoming season of events. This also gave members the information about each event so they were able to know what they could expect, make reservations for those events and enjoy those events they had interest in attending. Our seasons calendar of events was very well received by the membership. Our Opening Welcome Back Party was success ful, thanks largely, to management who did an outstanding job in transforming the driving range into “ A Night in Tuscany. ” Our signature New Year's Eve Party was a great way to end our 2023 season and received rave reviews for both the Family and Adult Parties. Our annual Carnival during the holiday season was a great hit with over 527 members and their families attend ing the festivities.
Every event we have had to date has been well attended. Our Cabaret events at the Beach Club have had record attendance, as have our Headliner series at the Pavilion. For the Cabaret we have had a diverse series of events, starting with Sharon Owens: A Barbara Streisand impersonator. Our second cabaret event featured the hilarious comedy of John Joseph. Our third cabaret featured Michael Cavanaugh: Singing Songs from the greatest singers and songwriters. The last cabaret event is featuring Jayne Curry, who will sing songs from Broadway musicals, pop & hits from some of the world ’ s greatest divas. Our new Headliner event was a comedian: Maureen Langan and 2022 finalist on The Voice: Morgan Myles which was very well received by the membership. The last two Headliner events of the season will be featuring a trio of male singers who sing the best hits of Michael Bublé and more. Highlighting the Headliner events will be an outdoor music festival with the spectacular Mi chael DelGuidce and his band.
Ned Dorman Returned with two separate presentations with one on Motown and the other, which will be on The Beach Boys.
The upcoming Party Night will be a fun evening of DJ, dancing and feature a member Lip Sync Battle.
Our Closing Party will be the perfect way to celebrate the end of a fabulous season with dancing, friendship and fun.
The committee is working on the schedule of events for 2024 2025. We are in the process of interviewing talent and will keep the momentum going. We, as a committee, are dedicated to bringing fresh and fantastic talent to Frenchman ’ s Creek. We will again present an outstanding series of events that will not only meet, but will exceed, members ’ expectations.
Herbert Glatt & Michael Eigner, Co - Chairpersons Entertainment Committee
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EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Jane Feinstein, Chairperson Ellen Malasky, Board Liaison
Marjorie Feld Ellen Goldstein Michael Forman
Stephen Gordon Ruth Karlin Ruth Krall
Bill Lipsey Mike Morgan Joan Spero
The External Affairs Committee continues to work to maintain and strengthen our relationships with our elected officials in Palm Beach Gardens and Juno Beach. We attended the Juno Beach Veteran ’ s Day event in November. In January, we participated with the members of the Juno Beach Civic Association in a beach cleanup followed by breakfast at the Beach Club. In February, we hosted Palm Beach Gardens and Juno Beach Council members, police and fire officials, and sen ior staff, as well as our county commissioner and members of the
Frenchman ’ s Creek Board of Governors, at a cocktail reception at the Beach Club.
We continue to meet individually with Palm Beach Gardens and Juno Beach Council members and staff, and to attend Council meetings.
Jane Feinstein, Chairperson External Affairs Committee
FITNESS & SPA Mary Lou Cocci, Chairperson Bobby Vilensky, Co - Chairperson Michael Smith, Emeritus Bob Annunziata, Board Liaison
Jennifer Carter Barry Fenner Beth Fentin
Margie Gottfried Alan Gurock
Larry Handen Alan Mintz Valerie Sonsteby
During the summer and fall of 2023, the Fitness and Spa re ceived a deep cleaning, the paint was retouched, and ceiling lighting was replaced. The carpeting was replaced in the spa and ladies and men ’ s locker rooms, and flooring replaced the carpet ing in the hallways. A pool attendant was added five days a week to maintain the pool and pool area, and an evening house keeper was added to maintain the cleanliness of the facilities. The main entrance to the Fitness Center was reopened. It is used as a retail space for clothing and Spa Products. Cards are played and meetings held in the Tennis Shop and Spin Rooms. The Fitness and Spa usage continues to increase. The demand for Pilates and Gyrotonics has required the addition of a Pilates instructor and Gyrotonics instructor. In response to the Fitness Survey, new fitness classes were added: Cardio Drumming, an early morning yoga class, Aqua swing (golf and tennis fitness), a High Intensity Interval Training Class and Abdominal Class on Saturday mornings.
A new nail technician was added to the spa. The spa added Valmont facials. Retail has increased due to new healthy and improved product lines including Valmont Face products, Luca organic cosmetics, Humble Deodorant and Soaps, Healthy Soy Candle, Mushroom infused coffee and teas. We continue to offer spa days.
Several special events were held: posture, nutrition, arthritis, sound baths, line dancing, CPR.
Guest hours have been temporarily suspended for the rest of the season, and have been temporarily readjusted for the Holiday Season. 8:00 - 10:00am from November 17th - January 8. The facilities are heavily used by the membership in the morning hours. During this years holiday season, the guest usage of the Fitness Facilities, Classes and Spa Facilities increased. The desire to remain healthy continues to thrive at Frenchman ’ s Creek, and our staff and contractors continue to keep the health and wellness of our members at the forefront of our operations.
Mary Lou Cocci, Chairperson Bobby Vilensky, Co - Chairperson Fitness & Spa Committee
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FOOD AND BEVERAGE Ellen Levine, Chairperson Gale Salz, Board Liaison
Jennifer Carter Amy Hollander Kevin Ilsen Carolyn Kotler
Joan Sclar Lila Silver Staci Sycoff Carol West
The 2023 - 24 season for Food & Beverage has been extremely busy. As it is said: Some play sports etc. but 100% of our mem bers eat, and our F&B team work daily to satisfy the requests of over 1200 members and families. We are extraordinarily thankful to the entire team that helps to make this happen. A great effort during a time with kitchen facilities far from “ perfect ” is to the credit of our exceptional new Executive Chef, Tim Recher. His strengths outside culinary include exceptional structure, education of staff, and recognition of quality in his em ployees. Chef Tim promoted Chef Alex where he is truly made huge progress at the main club facilities. He also promoted Chef Rico to our Beach Club, and he too has quickly made his mark. We also want to welcome our new pastry chef Kursten, and thanks to the amazing Cindy Teyssedou, and Gina who keep our Beach Club “ splendid ”.
Having personally been a part of food and beverage during the last 36 years, I am pleased to report that management is respect ing committee recommendations, member requests, and re sponding quickly. Despite the difficulty with our present tempo rary kitchens, small quarters to disseminate delivery, carry - out, weather issues at the pool, the approval rating continues to climb. Special events are receiving record attendance and generally rave reviews. Along with our terrific kitchen staff, we are grate ful to management and staff including David Kent, Martina, Ste ve, Harry, Marco, Renee, Carolina, Shams and Ergie.
My most sincere thanks, to honestly, the best working committee I could possibly wish for.
Ellen Levine, Chairperson Food and Beverage Committee
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GOLF & GREENS David Rosenblatt, Chairperson Gil Hollander, Vice - Chairperson Jeffrey Parker & Robert Scherer, Board Liaisons
Dick Adler Jim Anchin Elena Ezratty Marjorie Feld
Lois Kleinberg Marty Rosenman
Bonnie Shyer Lisette Siegel David Spiess
As part of the Club ’ s effort to reduce the number of standing committees. The former golf committee and green committee were merged into one standing committee, “ The Golf & Green Committee ”. The thought behind combining the two committees, is that there are many overlapping issues, and there would be better synergy by combining the two committees. Mr. David Rosenblatt, Chaired the combined committee, and Mr. Gil Hol lander served as Vice - Chair. Another initiative of the golf and green committee was to work toward a numerical balance of Men and Ladies that serve on the committee. The current makes up is 6 men and 5 ladies, exclud ing Board liaisons. As the Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Asso ciation (FCLGA) works toward a merger with the Golf and Green committee, the ideally number would be equal Men and Ladies serving the merged committees. The Chair appointed several sub - committees to assist with golf course architect search, golf technology applications, rule com pliance, tournaments, participation, and handicaps. These com mittees met independent of the golf and green committee, but reported back to the full committee as their efforts progressed. We thank all the sub - committee leaders and those that participat ed on the subcommittees, and their insight as members and the desire to make the golf program the very best is not only recog nized, but truly helpful. The committee had the daunting task of fill the Director of Agronomy position, following the retirement of Wes Dillard after 30 years of service. A small committee, comprised of a sub set of the Golf and Green committee was formed to interview potential candidates, and make a recommendation to the Execu tive Director. There were many high - quality candidates interest ed in coming to Frenchman ’ s Creek from many high - ranking clubs. The subcommittee settled on and recommended Bill Schmit as the successor. Bill was onboarded in late June, and has been very busy, getting to know Frenchman ’ s Creek, the mem bership, staff and the golf courses and practice facilities. Bill has already begun to make noted improvements, and we look for ward to the quality golf experience he will deliver in the future. One of the biggest tasks that the committee faces, was the en gagement of a golf course design firm to guide the club in master planning both of the golf courses and practice facilities into the future. The golf course improvement committee sent out over 20
Request for Proposals, to the leading design firms worldwide. After an exhaustive search, the golf course improvement com mittee recommended to the Executive Director the design firm of Fry/Straka. Fry/Straka have already begun the process of getting familiar with Frenchman ’ s Creek and collecting data, to begin the master plan. The committee took a laser focus on improving all the technol ogy platforms available to the membership. The technology subcommittee recommended the conversion of the tee time system to ForeTees, which is more member friendly and pro vides real time information. Additionally, registration for all golf events are now online and available for online registration. Group Valet continues to be utilized for golf group registration and activity. Lastly, the golf maintenance team installed a pro gram called EZ Locator, which provides exactly hole locations via the APP or print, and is available each morning to those playing. Text messaging to provide course conditions and other information that needs to be communicated is being generated through the Golf Genius program. The committee felt that one of their main responsibilities is to improve the schedule of events and maximize participation and enjoyment. The overarching goal is to have a well balance schedule, spread through the season, and have an effective communication channel to promote all golf related activities. Additionally, the committee continues to take very seriously reducing the mistreatment of the golf facilities and minimizing poor etiquette by the members. The golf professional staff and committee have noticed several members, through the incident reporting process, and those individuals initially receive a letter, and have a one on one with the Director of Golf. Fortunately, there had not been a need to notice the same member twice. The Golf Professional staff and the Golf Agronomics team re main committed to servicing the membership and creating and enjoyable golf environment. We encourage our fellow members to acknowledge our golf staff and agronomic staff, for the ef forts they have made this year.
David Rosenblatt, Chairperson Gil Hollander, Vice - Chairperson Golf & Greens Committee
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MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Todd Krasnow, Chairperson Carey Pack, Board Liaison
Marjorie Feinstein Steve Gordon Norma Lippman Michael Morgan Bobbie Wiener
In the 2023 - 24 season, the Marketing and Communications Com mittee continued to build upon the committee's goal in 2022 in making clear, accessible, and timely information about our club available to all members. Several improvements that the Market ing and Communications Department has delivered toward this goal are as follows: 1. A new system has been implemented to coordinate the input from club departments and committees to the Mar - Comm Depart ment. This new system enables timely and proper advance notice to members of all activities and events. 2. The daily email has consistently improved to provide an easy way for members to look ahead to the day, week, and month as well as access more detailed information if desired, Menus and Dining info, and updates on the Clubhouse Construction cameras and reports, Video Snip - Its and Recaps of events, etc. 3. The mobile app and website have been enhanced so that mem bers can readily access information about everything at the club, which includes a robust calendar for all amenity and social events, POA information, and Board of Governors' agendas, minutes, meeting minutes, and videos.
4. Additional functions have been added to the app and web site, such as seamless links for golf bookings, racquet sports, HomeServices, Gate Access, guest registration, and so much more! 5. With help from Bobbi Weiner, the editor of FC Life, we have combined the member news with the club's monthly newsletter. The Frenchman's Creek's Marketing and Communications team has worked hard to complete these essential improve ments to the communications at our club and strives to en hance the member experience when promoting future activi ties and events for everyone at Frenchman's Creek. Our goal is to continue to make the app even easier to use, which will require the app to hold more of the information we need each day and utilize more of the simple links to reserve and change participation in the activities we all enjoy daily. We'd also like to recognize the hard work this takes on the part of the management team across the club — each depart ment's systems must be adjusted to make the app just as user friendly a way to interact as a phone call or in - person interac tion. Much of this effort is already in the rearview mirror, but we still have more to do!
Todd Krasnow, Chairperson Marketing & Communications Committee
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SECURITY Glen Greenberg, Chairperson Russell Fuchs, Vice - Chairperson Carey Pack, Board Liaison
Steven Bernstein Birdie Chow Larry Handen Jack Jackson
Jeri Jacobs Laura Mayblum Steve Runge Candy Scherer
Robert Shesser Hank Siegel Paul Siler Beth Singer
Lewis Steinberg Jennifer Weintraub Darryl Weiss John Wendkos
On Thursday December 7, 2023, the Frenchman ’ s Creek Security Director Josue Encarnacion, the Security commit tee chair Glen Greenberg, and the security committee met for their last meeting in 2023. Mr. Greenberg began the meeting with the committee ’ s mission statement: “ The Frenchman ’ s Creek security committee is commit ted to providing a safe and secure community. We are dedicated to the membership and staff which drives our team to achieve the highest standards in our industry. ”
Traffic control enforcement: •
Vendor time limits suggested for their access.
• It was suggested that members take priority over guests when entering from the Donald Ross gate. • The citation program needs to be better enforced to make sure our members, guests, vendors, and staff are following all posted speed signs throughout the com munity. • In 2023 added (2) mobile Traffic Hawk speed detec tion devices. 4. Security education program (including emails, videos, flyers for member awareness) • Educating the community on the importance of properly vetting vendors for their access. Community safety: • Signs, newsletters, and emails for safe walking on the proper side. • For walkers around the community, fluorescent vests, and bracelets are available upon request. • Suggested golf cart safety driving course. • Member Training: Active shooter training (TBD based on law enforcement availability) 5.
The discussion was based on committee goals for 2023 and suggestions for 2024:
Perimeter security: •
In 2023 added the double gate arm feature to the member main entrance. In 2023 added license plate readers to the main gate and back/construction gate entrance. In 2023 added additional “ no climb fencing ” along the St. Patrick ’ s Day Church perimeter. In 2023 re - enforced barb wire around perimeter fencing. It was suggested for 2024 that boats incorporate decals like auto decals when entering French man ’ s Creek waterways. Added visual for boat security patrol officers.
6. Paramedics services (list of services provided is suggested for the membership)
2. Enforcement program (If you see something, say some thing) • Security is enforcing Uber/Lyft drivers to be escorted when dropping off members, for mem ber safety.
Glen Greenberg, Chairperson Russell Fuchs, Vice - Chairperson Security Committee
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