08-24-22.MESSAGE.Electronic.F&B in New Clubhouse

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Moving Forward The Clubhouse Committee, your Board, management and our professionals have listened to, and continue to listen to ideas that come in from all parties, as evidenced by the above discussion of the Food and Beverage aspects of the design. Throughout my involvement in this process, I have seen a variety of ideas work their way through and get integrated into the Clubhouse plans. I have also seen many ideas go through the process that ultimately ended up on the cutting room floor. The important thing is that there is a process, and from my experience of managing through count- less numbers of capital projects at several clubs, our process is solid, effective and importantly transparent. It deserves, and the club would greatly benefit from, the overall support of the mem- bership. At some point the endless discussions, debate, and indeed, efforts to undermine the process all need to end. If not, the divisive atmosphere that existed in the recent past will reemerge. Your Board and management are united behind the initiative to continue to move the community forward while also working to build a greater sense of harmony. Similarly, the Board and management are committed to effectively and efficiently finalizing a Clubhouse design that maintains the integrity of the proposal that was approved last December. In the end there will be some necessary modifications and, as well, some desirable enhancements. But the essence of that design remains intact. In addition to these changes, we would also note that given the extraordinary inflationary pressures over the last year, there will also be additional costs. Ultimately, the Board will submit these costs along with the final design to the membership for ap- proval once solid and final bids become available. Conclusion This is such an exciting period for Frenchman ’ s. I have witnessed the amazing efforts that have gone into bringing this Clubhouse project to fruition … formal and informal efforts that have in- volved professionals, management, and members from all segments of this community. I am abso- lutely certain that these efforts will be richly rewarded in the future and will significantly elevate the lifestyle and member experience at Frenchman ’ s Creek for decades to come. In closing, my observation is that everyone involved in these efforts is realistic in that there is no one Clubhouse design that will completely satisfy all 600 members of our community. However, it is our goal to design and build a Clubhouse that will make everyone ’ s life significantly better. After the design process is complete and is presented by the Board, the Clubhouse Committee, manage- ment, and our professional consultants, let ’ s put the debate and discussions behind us and get be- hind these efforts so that we can start to build what will be one of the great clubhouses, and mem- ber experiences, in the country.

Respectfully submitted,

Miles W. Tucker CCM COO and Executive Director

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