08-24-22.MESSAGE.Electronic.F&B in New Clubhouse

Food & Beverage in the New Clubhouse August 24, 2022

Introduction Following several years of disagreement, the members of Frenchman ’ s Creek finally coa- lesced around a design concept and construction of a new Clubhouse by a margin of 75% to 25%. That was an important result, and for me was a major drawing card regarding my interest in the Frenchman ’ s Creek COO position. From my perspective, THE most important thing at this juncture is to make sure that we continue to move the ball forward, maintaining our positive momentum. It is my hope that all of us individually and collectively can put aside any differences that we might have on the final approved design, understand that it was the result of a comprehensive, fiduciary process, and that decisions were made in the long - term best interests of Frenchman ’ s Creek. Arguably the leading clubhouse architects in the world, Peacock and Lewis, were engaged to design the new Clubhouse; a reputed General Contractor in Proctor, a respected project manage- ment firm in Gaudet and Associates, and a team of highly respected consultants, including Fishman and Associates, who design kitchens across the United States, were also engaged to contribute to the design project. A qualified, diverse and highly engaged committee of Club members, Board members, and management have also been actively involved in every step of the process, taking schematic designs, moving them through design development, and developing construction draw- ings. Extensive value engineering is underway. Many ideas have been proposed, considered and incorporated with the intent to reduce costs, increase functionality, and maintain the quality and in- tegrity of the design. Other changes that increase long term utility and flexibility have also been con- sidered and included. I can tell you from my vantage point that the Committee and the professionals are not interested in mere cost cutting, and do not want to make decisions that in the short term are convenient, but in the long term will be regretted. Apparently, this has happened before here, and it is our collective desire not to see it happen again with this club - defining project. Throughout this process, member comments have been heard, and continue to be heard, and good ideas have moved through the process of being reviewed by management, the Committee, and our team of professionals, before being implemented into the plans. Good examples of this include making much more significant provisions for a pastry kitchen, and reconfiguring office spaces to maximize the utility of the new clubhouse for members and staff alike.

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Changes to the Kitchen Design There have inevitably been some changes to the conceptual plans that were shared with the members in the Clubhouse Building Project booklet that was released in November 2021. One of the main areas where changes have been made is in the kitchens. Many of those changes were directed by me in collabo- ration with the management team. All of these changes have been approved by the Commit- tee and Board, and endorsed by the profes- sional consultants. Because my management team and I have been intimately involved in many of these food and beverage decisions, I would now like to take this opportunity to high- light, and explain, some of those changes to the broader community. • Banquet Kitchen: In the original plans, food preparation for banquets was going to take place on the lower level of the Club- house (in the main production kitchen), be- fore being transported in hot boxes upstairs via a service elevator. It was then going to be plated in the Banquet Kitchen and served. We have added cooking equipment in the Banquet Kitchen so that food can be pre- pared and served seamlessly. This will greatly enhance the quality of the food served in the Ballroom, and for all events held upstairs. Following input from one of our members, Robert Ellinger, who is an acclaimed pastry chef, we were also able to relocate the Pas- try Kitchen from the 19 th Hole Kitchen into the Banquet Kitchen. This will result in the kitchen being used seven days per week. Importantly, it will also allow us to greatly improve the quality of our pastry offerings, with fresh pastries and spectacular desserts being central to that mission. • Main Production Kitchen: No meaning- ful changes were made here; we just changed the configuration of the equipment to improve work flows.

• 19th Hole Kitchen: When we relocated the Pastry Kitchen into the Banquets Kitch- en, it created room for a dedicated choco- late and ice cream room in the 19 th Hole Kitchen. Club - made chocolates and des- serts will help us to create a unique food and beverage offering for members. We added a dedicated salad bar to the 19 th Hole, which will allow us to offer healthy lunch options at an affordable price 365 days a year. We also added a dedicated hot buffet line, which will allow us to offer great breakfast, brunch and lunch buffets. We also kept a small cooking line in the back kitchen, along with a dish room, storage, and the choco- late/ice cream room. The hot line in the back kitchen will allow us to prepare a la carte breakfast and lunch menu options. We added a dedicated Grab and Go area to the 19 th Hole. This will allow members who are passing by (potentially after playing ten- nis, working out, or making the turn while playing golf) to grab food and beverage items that are either already prepared, or have very short preparation times. • Sports Bar and Grille Kitchen: The origi- nal design had one hot line to serve both outlets. As we expect to serve up to 400 covers from this kitchen in the evenings, however, that design was destined to fail operationally. As a result, we now have food lines dedicated to each outlet (but will continue to use shared service lines for sal- ads and desserts, so as to maximize the ef- ficiency of the kitchen from a staffing per- spective).

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Food & Beverage Operations in the New Clubhouse These changes were all made to ensure that we deliver a consistently first - rate food and beverage experience in the new Clubhouse, something which the members I have spoken to frequently highlight as their biggest priority for their experience at Frenchman ’ s. I there- fore want to expand upon how the various food and beverage outlets will operate in the new Clubhouse. • The 19th Hole: The famous Frenchman ’ s Creek complimentary breakfast buffet will be served in the 19 th Hole. In addition, there will be an extensive hot buffet option, and a la carte options for members to en- joy. We will have complimentary tea, coffee, beverage, and frozen yogurt stations availa- ble for members to enjoy at all times of the day, with additional grab and go food and beverages being served from the grab and go counter. Lunch offerings will include an extensive salad bar, carvery, hot buffet and desserts. There will also be a limited a la carte menu for members to enjoy. The 19 th Hole will also be available for groups of members to reserve in the after- noon and evening, and will make the per- fect venue for post - golf, tennis and card playing events. We will be able to keep set - up costs down on events that are held in the 19 th hole, which will allow us to pass on a better value to members who are enjoying club events that conclude in the 19 th hole. The 19 th hole will not be open for dinner service. • The Sports Bar: The Sports Bar will be open from lunchtime through dinner ser- vice, and will be the perfect venue for mem- bers to enjoy a drink after enjoying golf, ten- nis, or other activities at the Club, with ex- tensive terraces, a variety of seating ar- rangements, and multiple TVs for members to enjoy.

Light fare will be served throughout the after- noon and evening, with lunch and dinner menus that provide members with a great alternative to the 19 th hole or Grille Room re- spectively. • The Grille Room & Lounge: The Grille Room and Lounge will only be open for din- ner service. These will be our high - end ven- ues for members to enjoy whenever they want to experience an upscale bar and steak house experience. If the Sports Bar is where you went to enjoy a burger and a cold beer, the Grille Room & Lounge would be where you would go to enjoy a Martini, great meal and spectacular glass of wine. These rooms will be atmospheric, smaller in terms of capacity, and reflective of the five - star environment that many members want to enjoy at the club. • The Beach Club: The Beach Club will re- main open for brunch, lunch and dinner, providing another compelling dining option for members, in the same way that is has for decades. In short, in addition to the Beach Club and Poolside Cafeteria, members will have the opportunity to enjoy breakfast in the 19 th Hole, lunch in either the 19 th Hole or Sports Bar, and dinner in the Sports Bar or Grille Room. There will be two dedicated bars – the Sports Bar, which will be open all afternoon and evening, and the Lounge, which will only be open in the evenings during the season. We will also have a Grab and Go option from the 19 th hole throughout the day, and both delivery and pick up options for members from any menu that is being served at any given time during the day. We firmly believe the current plans will give us the right infrastructure to provide mem- bers with a consistently exceptional food and beverage program.

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Moving Forward The Clubhouse Committee, your Board, management and our professionals have listened to, and continue to listen to ideas that come in from all parties, as evidenced by the above discussion of the Food and Beverage aspects of the design. Throughout my involvement in this process, I have seen a variety of ideas work their way through and get integrated into the Clubhouse plans. I have also seen many ideas go through the process that ultimately ended up on the cutting room floor. The important thing is that there is a process, and from my experience of managing through count- less numbers of capital projects at several clubs, our process is solid, effective and importantly transparent. It deserves, and the club would greatly benefit from, the overall support of the mem- bership. At some point the endless discussions, debate, and indeed, efforts to undermine the process all need to end. If not, the divisive atmosphere that existed in the recent past will reemerge. Your Board and management are united behind the initiative to continue to move the community forward while also working to build a greater sense of harmony. Similarly, the Board and management are committed to effectively and efficiently finalizing a Clubhouse design that maintains the integrity of the proposal that was approved last December. In the end there will be some necessary modifications and, as well, some desirable enhancements. But the essence of that design remains intact. In addition to these changes, we would also note that given the extraordinary inflationary pressures over the last year, there will also be additional costs. Ultimately, the Board will submit these costs along with the final design to the membership for ap- proval once solid and final bids become available. Conclusion This is such an exciting period for Frenchman ’ s. I have witnessed the amazing efforts that have gone into bringing this Clubhouse project to fruition … formal and informal efforts that have in- volved professionals, management, and members from all segments of this community. I am abso- lutely certain that these efforts will be richly rewarded in the future and will significantly elevate the lifestyle and member experience at Frenchman ’ s Creek for decades to come. In closing, my observation is that everyone involved in these efforts is realistic in that there is no one Clubhouse design that will completely satisfy all 600 members of our community. However, it is our goal to design and build a Clubhouse that will make everyone ’ s life significantly better. After the design process is complete and is presented by the Board, the Clubhouse Committee, manage- ment, and our professional consultants, let ’ s put the debate and discussions behind us and get be- hind these efforts so that we can start to build what will be one of the great clubhouses, and mem- ber experiences, in the country.

Respectfully submitted,

Miles W. Tucker CCM COO and Executive Director

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