The POA contracts home landscape services to an outside landscape company. The contract provides for the following stipulated services: 1. Trimming and detailing of houses is performed once a month. 2. Trimming and detailing of houses is limited in time to 90 minutes. Homes requiring detailing services greater than 90 minutes will be com pleted in the next monthly rotation or the home owner can contract with the landscaper provider or a third party provider for additional services at an agreed upon price. 3. Mowing of lawns is performed 45 times per year, once a week from March 1 to October 31 and every other week from November 1 to February 28.

4. Only 3 - gallon plant material is used for plant replacement and planted on 3 - foot centers.

5. Plant material is replaced when, in the opinion of the POA, plants are dead, dying or have reached their natural maturity.

6. Replacement plant material may only be chosen from a pallet of approved plant material.

February 2023


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