Employee Handbook
Step One
Present your grievance in writing to your supervisor. He/she will give you a written reply within four (4) working days. If you are not satisfied, then… .
Step Two
Present your grievance to the Director of Human Resources. Then the Director of Human Resources will call a meeting, within four (4) days after the presentation of your grievance, with your immediate supervisor, the Director of Human Resources and anyone else pertinent to your complaint. The Director of Human Resources will then present you with a written answer to your complaint. If the written answer is not, in your mind, a satisfactory re solution to your grievance, then….
Step Three
The Director of Human Resources will request a review of your grievance by the Executive Director. The Executive Director will review the facts of the grievance, set up a meeting with yourself, and any other pertinent individuals, if necessary, and relay a written answer to your complaint within four (4) days.
Few problems ever reach this final stage, since by far most can easily be resolved at an earlier stage. The Executive Director ’ s decision will be final.
When the matter is of a personal nature and you do not wish to discuss it with your immediate supervisor, you may go directly to the Director of Human Resources or the Executive Director. If the grievance involves any form of unlawful discrimination, the employee may dispense with the normal grievance procedure and request an immediate meeting with the Director of Human Resources or the Executive Director.
Disciplinary Action
It is our intention to provide an environment in which all employees have the opportunity to know what is expected of them and of Frenchman ’ s Creek. This process enables us to work together to provide the best possible facilities and services for our members and staff. We feel it is important for you to know, understand and accept the standards and conditions of your employment with us so you will be free to concentrate your efforts in doing the kind of job that will give you the greatest sense of personal and professional satisfaction. Should there be a situation in which you fall short of achieving our standards of job performance or conduct, you will be creating a situation where corrective action becomes necessary. Frenchman ’ s Creek believes in the philosophy of progressive discipline. Employees may be disciplined or in writing for problems as standards of conduct violations, performance concerns, or unsatisfactory conduct. However, Frenchman ’ s Creek reserves the right to take disciplinary action, as it deems appropriate up to termination of employment without prior disciplinary warnings or suspensions.
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