Employee Handbook
Frenchman ’ s Creek is committed to providing a work environment where all employees feel safe, secure, and respected. As an organization, Frenchman ’ s Creek will not tolerate conduct by any employee who harasses, discriminates, or creates an intimidating or hostile work environment. Prohibited harassment/discrimination includes but is not limited to the following behaviors: Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes, slurs, or comments based on any lawfully protected status such as national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, age, pregnancy, ancestry, veteran ’ s status, or genetics • Visual conduct such as derogatory and/or inappropriate posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures based on any lawfully protected status such as national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, age, pregnancy, ancestry or veteran status • Threats or demands to submit to sexual requests as a condition of continued employment or to avoid some other loss, and offers of employment benefits in return for sexual favors: Unwanted sexual advances, invitations, or comments Any employee who believes that the actions or words of any other employee or non- employee constitute unwelcome harassment or discrimination has a responsibility to report as soon as possible to his or her supervisor, or the Human Resources Director if the complaint involves the supervisor. Frenchman ’ s Creek will take all reasonable steps to prevent and eliminate harassment and/or discrimination by non-employees who are likely to have workplace contact with our employees, including members, guests and vendors. Frenchman ’ s Creek will immediately undertake a confidential, thorough, and objective investigation of any allegation of harassment/discrimination. If Frenchman ’ s Creek determines harassment/discrimination in violation of its policies has occurred, effective remedial action will be taken in accordance with the circumstances. Any employee determined by Frenchman ’ s Creek to be responsible for harassment/discrimination will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination. In all cases, the employee will be advised of the findings and conclusion. The initiation of a complaint of harassment/discrimination made in good faith or the participation in any investigation concerning such a complaint will not have any adverse impact on the complainant nor will it affect such person ’ s future business dealings with Frenchman ’ s Creek, his or her employment, compensation, or benefits. Complaints of any retaliation will be promptly investigated, and disciplinary action will be taken if warranted, up to and including termination. • Use of social media outlets, the Internet, or Frenchman ’ s Creek issued company equipment and systems to harass or discriminate against another employee • Retaliation for having reported or threatened to report harassment/discrimination or for having participated in the investigation of a complaint The above list is not meant to be exhaustive and is offered by way of example.
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