Community Rules and Regulations Highlights 2023-2024
1. No member or guest may be verbally or physically abusive or otherwise engage in conduct that is threatening or harassing to any staff member.
2. No members or guest may direct any staff member in his or her job functions, interfere with any staff member ’s discharge of such staff member’s duties, or in any way interact with a staff member in a manner which is disruptive to or otherwise has an adverse impact on the Association’s operations. No member or guest may threaten a staff member or threaten a staff member’s job. 3. Members and Guests may not request special or personal services (i.e. services outside of the job function of the staff member) to be performed by a staff member during his/her scheduled working hours. 4. Tipping of staff by members and guests is prohibited for services performed by staff members at the Association’s facilities, but is permitted for services provided at a member’s home, unless such services are provided through the Association. GENERAL RULES 1. The use of cell phones for voice conversations (whether or not the speakerphone feature is being used) is not permitted in dining venues, on the golf course or golf practice areas, on the racquet sports courts, or in the Fitness Center, except for the locker rooms. 2. The use of Bluetooth audio devices on the golf course is permitted only with prior approval of all members of the group. 3. Smoking is not permitted in any portion of the Common Property or Recreational Facilities except as authorized by the Board of Governors in areas authorized by Florida law. 4. Members are responsible for the conduct, attire, and safety of their family, guests,and invitees. 5. Pets are not permitted in any dining areas, except for specifically designated areas.
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