2024-2027 Brochure

Jeffrey Parker Page 2

1. Why do you want to become a member of the Board and what motivates you?

Combining my business experience with my FC committee experience I believe I can help build a consensus in the community and on the Board. My profes sional experience can add value and contribute to the implementation of community decisions including long term aspirations for our facilities.

2. What is your vision for the future of Frenchman ’ s Creek, and as a member of the Board, what specific action plans would you advocate for now to execute your vision? My vision is to retain our reputation as a premier residential community by maintaining and constantly improving our facilities. For example, we should build the long discussed golf training facility and upgrade and expand our spa/ wellness center. The next few years will be an exciting period at Frenchman ’ s Creek and I hope you will permit me to continue on our Board and assist in the implementation of our strategic plan.

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