Steve Gordon Co - Chair

Gil Hollander Co - Chair

Mike Morgan Co - Chair


Frenchman ’ s Creek ’ s fundraising for Jupiter Medical Center underwent some significant changes this past year.

First, the event was re - named “ Jupiter Medical Center Day at Frenchman ’ s Creek ” (1) to recognize that the event was not about “ men ’ s health ” but, as we all know, is a fundraiser for JMC and (2) to acknowledge that the event and fund - raising efforts are gender - neutral as many women have donated in the past and they are now included in the day ’ s golf activi ties. The JMC fund - raising leadership baton was passed from the wonderfully successful duo of past Co - Chairs Bernie Her man and Steve Weinberg, who established a mutually benefi cial and mutually appreciated excellent two - way relationship between JMC and Frenchman ’ s Creek, to current Co - Chairs Mike Morgan, Gil Hollander and Steve Gordon, who took full advantage of the past Chairs ’ guidance and established pathway to success. Having satisfied in full our previous pledge. Frenchman ’ s Creek made a new pledge to JMC this past year of $5 Million over 5 years. JMC is naming the large entrance atrium in its new Patient Care Center now under construction, where sign age for “ Frenchman ’ s Creek Atrium ” will be prominently displayed and will be a well - deserved source of pride for our community. This year, JMC Day successfully raised over $1.2 Million toward our 5 year commitment, despite a rain - shortened tour nament (note: Dr. Amit Rastogi, President of JMC, finished 18 holes undaunted by the rain). Breakfast was terrific and it seemed that everyone returned to the Pavilion for a fantastic lunch and to hear expressions of gratitude from Dr. Rastogi and JMC ’ s Director of Development, Traci Simonsen, all MC ’ d by our Mike Morgan. JMC Day could not have been successful without the support and herculean efforts of our tireless staff members: Berna dette Mukuka, Rocco Panzitta and Deanna Usiadek.

PLAY FOR P.I.N.K. BCRF Marjorie Feld, Chairperson Mary Lou Cocci, Andrea Finkel & Robin Kimball, Co - Chairpersons Gale Salz, Board Liaison

We held our very first Play for P. I. N. K. events this year, and they were both very successful.

We had 120 members at the Beach Club for lunch, fol lowed by cards at the Church on Saturday 1/27, and 140 members for golf, lunch and an educational program on breast cancer research on Tuesday, 1/30.

We are proud to support women ’ s health care, and raised over $165,000 in our initial effort to do so.

Kudos to our wonderful community for their support!

Marjorie Feld, Chairperson Mary Lou Cocci, Andrea Finkel & Robin Kimball, Co - Chairpersons Frenchman ’ s Creek Play for P.I.NK. BCRF

Enduring thanks to Bernie Herman and Steve Weinberg and on to 2024!

Steve Gordon, Gil Hollander and Mike Morgan, Co - Chairpersons

Jeffrey Maurer, Board Liaison Jupiter Medical Day Committee

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 24

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