MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Todd Krasnow, Chairperson Carey Pack, Board Liaison
Marjorie Feinstein Steve Gordon Norma Lippman Michael Morgan Bobbie Wiener
In the 2023 - 24 season, the Marketing and Communications Com mittee continued to build upon the committee's goal in 2022 in making clear, accessible, and timely information about our club available to all members. Several improvements that the Market ing and Communications Department has delivered toward this goal are as follows: 1. A new system has been implemented to coordinate the input from club departments and committees to the Mar - Comm Depart ment. This new system enables timely and proper advance notice to members of all activities and events. 2. The daily email has consistently improved to provide an easy way for members to look ahead to the day, week, and month as well as access more detailed information if desired, Menus and Dining info, and updates on the Clubhouse Construction cameras and reports, Video Snip - Its and Recaps of events, etc. 3. The mobile app and website have been enhanced so that mem bers can readily access information about everything at the club, which includes a robust calendar for all amenity and social events, POA information, and Board of Governors' agendas, minutes, meeting minutes, and videos.
4. Additional functions have been added to the app and web site, such as seamless links for golf bookings, racquet sports, HomeServices, Gate Access, guest registration, and so much more! 5. With help from Bobbi Weiner, the editor of FC Life, we have combined the member news with the club's monthly newsletter. The Frenchman's Creek's Marketing and Communications team has worked hard to complete these essential improve ments to the communications at our club and strives to en hance the member experience when promoting future activi ties and events for everyone at Frenchman's Creek. Our goal is to continue to make the app even easier to use, which will require the app to hold more of the information we need each day and utilize more of the simple links to reserve and change participation in the activities we all enjoy daily. We'd also like to recognize the hard work this takes on the part of the management team across the club — each depart ment's systems must be adjusted to make the app just as user friendly a way to interact as a phone call or in - person interac tion. Much of this effort is already in the rearview mirror, but we still have more to do!
Todd Krasnow, Chairperson Marketing & Communications Committee
2023/2024 Annual Report Page 19
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