GOLF & GREENS David Rosenblatt, Chairperson Gil Hollander, Vice - Chairperson Jeffrey Parker & Robert Scherer, Board Liaisons

Dick Adler Jim Anchin Elena Ezratty Marjorie Feld

Lois Kleinberg Marty Rosenman

Bonnie Shyer Lisette Siegel David Spiess

As part of the Club ’ s effort to reduce the number of standing committees. The former golf committee and green committee were merged into one standing committee, “ The Golf & Green Committee ”. The thought behind combining the two committees, is that there are many overlapping issues, and there would be better synergy by combining the two committees. Mr. David Rosenblatt, Chaired the combined committee, and Mr. Gil Hol lander served as Vice - Chair. Another initiative of the golf and green committee was to work toward a numerical balance of Men and Ladies that serve on the committee. The current makes up is 6 men and 5 ladies, exclud ing Board liaisons. As the Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Asso ciation (FCLGA) works toward a merger with the Golf and Green committee, the ideally number would be equal Men and Ladies serving the merged committees. The Chair appointed several sub - committees to assist with golf course architect search, golf technology applications, rule com pliance, tournaments, participation, and handicaps. These com mittees met independent of the golf and green committee, but reported back to the full committee as their efforts progressed. We thank all the sub - committee leaders and those that participat ed on the subcommittees, and their insight as members and the desire to make the golf program the very best is not only recog nized, but truly helpful. The committee had the daunting task of fill the Director of Agronomy position, following the retirement of Wes Dillard after 30 years of service. A small committee, comprised of a sub set of the Golf and Green committee was formed to interview potential candidates, and make a recommendation to the Execu tive Director. There were many high - quality candidates interest ed in coming to Frenchman ’ s Creek from many high - ranking clubs. The subcommittee settled on and recommended Bill Schmit as the successor. Bill was onboarded in late June, and has been very busy, getting to know Frenchman ’ s Creek, the mem bership, staff and the golf courses and practice facilities. Bill has already begun to make noted improvements, and we look for ward to the quality golf experience he will deliver in the future. One of the biggest tasks that the committee faces, was the en gagement of a golf course design firm to guide the club in master planning both of the golf courses and practice facilities into the future. The golf course improvement committee sent out over 20

Request for Proposals, to the leading design firms worldwide. After an exhaustive search, the golf course improvement com mittee recommended to the Executive Director the design firm of Fry/Straka. Fry/Straka have already begun the process of getting familiar with Frenchman ’ s Creek and collecting data, to begin the master plan. The committee took a laser focus on improving all the technol ogy platforms available to the membership. The technology subcommittee recommended the conversion of the tee time system to ForeTees, which is more member friendly and pro vides real time information. Additionally, registration for all golf events are now online and available for online registration. Group Valet continues to be utilized for golf group registration and activity. Lastly, the golf maintenance team installed a pro gram called EZ Locator, which provides exactly hole locations via the APP or print, and is available each morning to those playing. Text messaging to provide course conditions and other information that needs to be communicated is being generated through the Golf Genius program. The committee felt that one of their main responsibilities is to improve the schedule of events and maximize participation and enjoyment. The overarching goal is to have a well balance schedule, spread through the season, and have an effective communication channel to promote all golf related activities. Additionally, the committee continues to take very seriously reducing the mistreatment of the golf facilities and minimizing poor etiquette by the members. The golf professional staff and committee have noticed several members, through the incident reporting process, and those individuals initially receive a letter, and have a one on one with the Director of Golf. Fortunately, there had not been a need to notice the same member twice. The Golf Professional staff and the Golf Agronomics team re main committed to servicing the membership and creating and enjoyable golf environment. We encourage our fellow members to acknowledge our golf staff and agronomic staff, for the ef forts they have made this year.

David Rosenblatt, Chairperson Gil Hollander, Vice - Chairperson Golf & Greens Committee

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 18

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