ENTERTAINMENT Herbert Glatt & Michael Eigner, Co - Chairpersons Gale Salz, Board Liaison Steve Gordon, MAC Liaison

Sue Davis Barbara Field Andrea Finkel Sandy Glassman Kevin Ilsen

Jeri Jacobs Andi Jayson Gail Kaltman Judy Konigsberg

Dottie Kovel Ellen Lieb Linda Robbins Beth Rosen

Stacy Rubin Phyllis Shustak Lila Silver Melanie Shulman Wendy Weinstein

The goal of the Entertainment Committee is to provide a wide variety of entertainment options for our ever - changing commu nity. We strive to appeal to the wide variety of age ranges, from our senior to new and younger members. We felt that the best way to accomplish these goals is to interview and appoint new and younger members to serve on the committee. By successful ly doing so, our committee now represents a cross - section of the membership. As a result, we believe that our series of planned events for the 2023 - 2024 season is promoting greater member interaction. We are sensitive to the entertainment interests of all age groups and will continue to further advance our member ’ s sense of community. Our proposed calendar of events was carefully crafted to have "something for everyone." As a Committee, we are well aware of the changing demographics of our membership and embrace our new members, especially our new younger members who will help sustain the viability of our club for many years to come. We have created sub - committees who will work along side the two Co - Chairs of the Entertainment Committee to eval uate and chose the talent. They also work with management in the planning of each event. Additionally, we have chosen repre sentatives of our committee to work with the Creek Connection and Marketing and Communications (MAC) committees to ena ble us to promote our events to the entire membership. We will work during the off season to develop a "Save the Date ” listing for every entertainment event. This was well re ceived by the membership last season as it gave them the oppor tunity to plan for the upcoming season of events. This also gave members the information about each event so they were able to know what they could expect, make reservations for those events and enjoy those events they had interest in attending. Our seasons calendar of events was very well received by the membership. Our Opening Welcome Back Party was success ful, thanks largely, to management who did an outstanding job in transforming the driving range into “ A Night in Tuscany. ” Our signature New Year's Eve Party was a great way to end our 2023 season and received rave reviews for both the Family and Adult Parties. Our annual Carnival during the holiday season was a great hit with over 527 members and their families attend ing the festivities.

Every event we have had to date has been well attended. Our Cabaret events at the Beach Club have had record attendance, as have our Headliner series at the Pavilion. For the Cabaret we have had a diverse series of events, starting with Sharon Owens: A Barbara Streisand impersonator. Our second cabaret event featured the hilarious comedy of John Joseph. Our third cabaret featured Michael Cavanaugh: Singing Songs from the greatest singers and songwriters. The last cabaret event is featuring Jayne Curry, who will sing songs from Broadway musicals, pop & hits from some of the world ’ s greatest divas. Our new Headliner event was a comedian: Maureen Langan and 2022 finalist on The Voice: Morgan Myles which was very well received by the membership. The last two Headliner events of the season will be featuring a trio of male singers who sing the best hits of Michael Bublé and more. Highlighting the Headliner events will be an outdoor music festival with the spectacular Mi chael DelGuidce and his band.

Ned Dorman Returned with two separate presentations with one on Motown and the other, which will be on The Beach Boys.

The upcoming Party Night will be a fun evening of DJ, dancing and feature a member Lip Sync Battle.

Our Closing Party will be the perfect way to celebrate the end of a fabulous season with dancing, friendship and fun.

The committee is working on the schedule of events for 2024 2025. We are in the process of interviewing talent and will keep the momentum going. We, as a committee, are dedicated to bringing fresh and fantastic talent to Frenchman ’ s Creek. We will again present an outstanding series of events that will not only meet, but will exceed, members ’ expectations.

Herbert Glatt & Michael Eigner, Co - Chairpersons Entertainment Committee

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 15

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