COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES Paul Mendez, Chairperson Diane Exter, Board Liaisons

Nina Botel Carol Crane Ed Crane

Jay Kaltman Gloria Kramer Hope Kessler Carolyn Kotler Carol Mendez

Susan Shaw Carol Sherman Phyllis Shustak Lynda Strusiner Cara Young

Robert Ellinger Budd Goldman

The goal of the Activities Committees is to create and provide a wide range of non - sport activities for the Frenchman's Communi ty. We began in May 2023 with an email survey to the members, the purpose which was to elicit their degree of interest in a list of 25 possible Activities. Within a week we had 255 responses. To further understand the degree of potential participation in early November 2023 we held an Activities Fair in the Pavilion where we had over 400 sign ups for the various activities offered. Currently we are running 17 Activities. Each Activity has a coor dinator who is a member of the Activities Committee. The Activ ities are: Duplicate Bridge, Canasta, Card Parties, Movie Night, Authors Night, Concert Night, Men ’ s Discussion, Women's Dis cussion, Cooking, Book Talks, Walking, Dog Owners, Excur sions, Pot Luck Dinners, Mahjong, Shooting Club and Car Club.

The night Activities for Movies, Concerts and Authors drew over 150 participants for each Event. The other Activities have drawn approximately 200 individual participants in total. We have worked all season with Marketing to create member awareness of our offerings. This is our greatest problem as the membership is saturated with so much news that they cannot differentiate something new that they might be interested in from something old that they previously rejected. We will be developing a brochure for new and existing mem bers describing all the New Activities being offered and the contact person. We started this season from zero. A program like this has never been done before at Frenchman's. All the work to make this happen was done by our volunteer members. Next season with the help of a Budget, we expect that these Activities will be incorporated Into the fabric of the Frenchman's Community.

Our Activities are open to all Frenchman's members.

Paul Mendez, Chairperson Community Activities Committee

CREEK CONNECTION Karen Allen & Melanie Shulman, Co - Chairpersons Nancy Citrin, Lesley Koeppel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Vice - Chairpersons

Sara Bernstein Sandy Bobb Birdie Chow Mary Lou Cocci Lynne Cooper Mark Cooper Andrea Finkel Debbie Fradkin

Ellen Goldstein Faith Goldstein Suzi Goodwin Margery Gottfried Ellen Gottlieb Debbie Hershman Jeri Jacobs Linda Jacobs

Hope Kessler Gloria Kramer Stanley Levin Laura Mayblum Robin Mintz MaryAnn Nordheimer Shelley Parker Patricia Raber Max

Wendy Reisman Linda Robins Mimi Rocker Beth Rosen Karen Rosenbaum Stacy Rubin Phyllis Shustak

Jane Tauber Karen Weiss

Our New Member Cocktail Event in February will host nearly 100 existing and new members who will come together to make friends and celebrate the bonds that make our communi ty special. The Creek Connection initiative is at the core of what French man ’ s Creek stands for. We are about promoting camaraderie in the most welcoming atmosphere in our wonderful country club environment. We will continue to build and strengthen these connections that make our community truly exceptional. Karen Allen & Melanie Shulman, Co - Chairpersons Nancy Citrin, Lesley Koeppel & Bonnie Shyer, Co - Vice Chairs Creek Connection Committee

This season the Creek Connection continued our wonderful work pairing new members with existing ones who share similar de mographics, background and interests. This immediate link fos ters meaningful connections within our community. Our buddy program provides a welcome communication to new homeown ers within days of their home closing. Buddies then continue to reach out and invite the new members to integrate into the many activities here at FC. With over 15 different interest areas and activities identified, our liaison program is not just about outreach; it's a strategic effort to seamlessly integrate new members into the daily life here at Frenchman ’ s Creek. It's about breaking the ice, creating connec tions, and bringing our newest members into the mix.

2023/2024 Annual Report Page 14

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