VOLUNTEER MATCH PROGRAM Peter & Nancy Berkley & Andrea Finkel, Co - Chairpersons

Project Coordinators

Alan Fuirst Burton Greenberg Stuart Halpert Judy Jaffe

Dottie Kovel Donna Smolens Barbara Stern

Patti Raber Max Carol West Barbara Wiener Beth Zubatkin

Our History: The Frenchman ’ s Creek Volunteer Match Pro- gram (VMP) was established nine years ago in 2014. The VMP arose from a casual conversation between two new members, the Kravecas ’ and the Berkley ’ s who happened to meet at the Sports Bar one evening. When they learned that there was not a volunteer program at Frenchman ’ s Creek, they formally asked the Board of Directors for permission to establish one. Permission was granted and the VMP has been operating ever since. We have been fortunate to have the as- sistance of the Marketing Department, the POA and the monthly Frenchman ’ s Creek Life publication . Our Organization and Volunteer Coordinators: The VMP is managed by members who serve as program coordinators. Many VMP projects arise from the volunteer interests of our members and contacts with schools and agencies in Palm Beach County. One of our members, Barbara Stern, developed a strong relationship with Grove Park Elementary School in Palm Beach Gardens. In 2020 (pre - covid), several members visited the school weekly to help students improve skills. Nancy Berkley, taped a short video about her memory of visiting a concentration camp in 1960 for Grove Park and the district ’ s Holocaust curriculum. Beth Zubatkin works virtually with students at the Edna Runner education center. Our VMP is very creative. With the help of our Marketing Department, our members produced a video for a local elementary school about the birds at Frenchman ’ s Creek. The video featured Dr. Burt Greenberg, an expert bird watcher and included study and discussion questions the VMP prepared. The video was given high grades and is now available through the Palm Beach County School District Library for use in all county schools.

Our next video project has been requested by Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches and will involve the participa- tion of many members. We are preparing three - minute videos about careers—especially “ trade ” careers such as engineers and chefs. We have also been asked to prepare videos about market- ing and finance for junior and high school business academy pro- grams. The VMP has a long - standing relationship with the Literacy Coa- lition of Palm Beach County and its Adult Essay Contest. Our members read essays written by adults learning English. Every year, several inspiring essays are shared with all of our French- man ’ s Creek members. One of the most rewarding projects of the VMP is working with students at Palm Beach Gardens High School who are interview- ing for awards offered to graduating seniors. The program is or- ganized by Stuart Halpert. The program has become “ virtual ” with the help of our Frenchman ’ s marketing and technology de- partment. The Volunteer Match Program sponsors collections of clothing and household items for The Lord ’ s Place thrift shop. Over 5,000 pounds of food was collected and delivered to the Palm Beach County Food Bank. The VMP also sponsors a collection of used golf clubs that are donated to the local First Tee. The Volunteer Match Program welcome new members of our community who are seeking an additional dimension to living at Frenchman ’ s Creek. For more information and a personal call from a Frenchman ’ s Creek member about our VMP, please leave your name at the POA office.

Peter & Nancy Berkley and Andrea Finkel Co - Chairpersons Volunteer Match Program Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 22

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