Bernard Herman Co - Chairman

Stephen Weinberg Co - Chairman

MEN ’ S HEALTH DAY As of this writing, we have collected $1,087,000 for Ju- piter Medical Center. A total of 380 members donated. Over the past nine years, we have established the Frenchman ’ s Creek Digestive Health Center with a $1,000,000 donation and the Frenchman ’ s Creek Oncol- ogy Physicians Waiting Room in the new Anderson Family Cancer Center with $1,500,000 donation. Our newest project is the renovation of the ICU rooms. By next year at this time, we expect to have completed our $2,000,000 commitment to this latest project. Our goal has always been to have a strong bond between our community and the hospital and to support their ef- fort to become a world class medical facility. Our golf event was fun and everyone had a great time. Dr. Rosto- gi, the CEO of JMC, spoke and updated us on the con- tinuous improvements happening at the hospital.

Iris Arest Co - Chair

Roberta Selzer Co - Chair

Arlene Feldman Co - Chair


This Frenchman ’ s Creek Women for Scripps Research had a sold - out fashion show on December 13, 2021 at Saks Fifth Avenue in Palm Beach. The fashion show and other donations raised $121,800 which will be earmarked for two scientists who are leading in their fields of Can- cer and Neuro - degenerative disease research.

We wish to thank all of our loyal members and business- es who supported our Reach for the Stars Initiative.

Bernard Herman and Stephen Weinberg, Co - Chairpersons Men ’ s Health Day Charity Committee

Iris Arest, Roberta Selzer & Arlene Feldman Co - Chairpersons Frenchman ’ s Creek Women for Cancer Research

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 23

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