NOMINATING COMMITTEE Fred Stern, Chairperson Martin Krall, Non - Voting Board Member Stephen Parks, Non - Voting 2019/2020 Committee

Michael Eigner Alan Fuirst Stephen Gordon John Hecht Miles Hellman

Sydney Katz Robin Kimball

Rima Robinson Robert Shaw Sydelle Shaw Melvin Shuter Denise Siegel

Judy Konigsberg Terence McKenna

The Nominating process began on October 21, 2021, with a letter to eligible members of the 202 lot owners in Group B. A second random selection was made out of the thirty - one (31) interested members, with the first fifteen (15) forming the 2021/2022 Nominating Committee. An organizational meeting was held on January 6, 2022, to conduct the first order of business. This year there were six open Board positions. Six incumbent Board members were eligible, all of whom de- cided to run for a second term. The Committee conducted nine (9) interviews of candidates over a 3 - day peri- od with all having impressive backgrounds. The Committee deliberated and per the By - Laws nominated candidates equal to the number of vacancies. The Committee nominated the following candidates:

Jeffrey Glazer

Jeffrey Maurer

Jonathan Mayblum

Jill Kremer

Robert Scherer

Herbert Selzer

The nominating process also allows for forty members in good standing of the Association who are not on the Nominating Committee to also nominate a candidate for election to the Board of Governors by petition. No petitions were submitted.

I would like to thank the Nominating Committee for their time, dedication and hard work in this year ’ s nomi- nating process.

Fred Stern, Chairperson 2021/2022 Nominating Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 19

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