FRENCHMAN ’ S CREEK LADIES GOLF ASSOCIATION Lisette Siegel, Chairperson MaryAnne Bartfield, Vice - Chairperson
Mimi Bergel Gaby Brinkwirth Mary Lou Cocci Susan Davis Grace Drusinsky Marjorie Feinstein Marjorie Feld
Susan Fuirst Ellen Goldstein Robin Kimball Lois Kleinberg Dottie Kovel Debra Lalonde Sandi Lamm
Marcia Levy Joan Mopper Shelley Parker Robin Rosenblatt Candy Scherer Annette Schilling Susan Shaw
Bonnie Shyer Lila Silver
Leslie Skolnick Suzanne Speiser Wendy Weinstein Carol West
The Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Association (FCLGA) is open to all women residents of Frenchman ’ s Creek. Our objec- tives are to create, promote, and maintain women ’ s golf and its activities. Each year we seek to present exciting and stimulating golf events for the community. We currently have over 240 members. During the year, we sponsor two Ladies Member/Guest Days; a Mixed Member/Guest Day, 5 fabulous “ Nine, Wine and Dine ” events; Couples events and our Tuesday Ladies Days for 18 and 9 holers.
We end our major events with the Club Championship. We begin the season and end the season with an ABCD 9 - hole scramble followed by a luncheon. I would like to thank the FCLGA Board for their dedication and hard work. Special thanks to our Director of Golf, JR Congdon and a major thank you to Kim Augusta, our golf professional, without whom none of this would be possible. Thanks, also, to all the golf professionals and staff for all their help and hard work.
Lisette Siegel, Chairperson MaryAnne Bartfield, Vice - Chairperson Frenchman ’ s Creek Ladies Golf Association
We run three partnered multi - day major tournaments each sea- son: the Eclectic, Member - Member, and The Bruno Cup.
GOLF COMMITTEE Jim Anchin, Chairperson David Rosenblatt, Vice - Chairperson Jeffrey Parker, Board Liaison
Gerry Bartfield Stephen Gordon Bruce Haber Gilbert Hollander
Michael Moskow Carey Pack Lisette Siegel, FCLGA Michael Strongin
This year the Golf Committee set the goal of establishing a more relevant set of golf rules and regulations, that would closely reflect our current environment. A subset of both the golf and green com- mittee participated in the formation of the updated Golf Rules and Regulations. After several draft revisions, the revised golf rules and regulations passed through the Governance committee and ultimately the Board of Governors and became effective Novem- ber 1, 2021. The other major focus of the Golf Committee and the staff was to ensure that the influx of new members that had joined the Club within the past 12 months were integrated into golf games and events. The committee along with the golf professional staff and the starter (Rich Ruggerio) have been working diligently toward the goal of integrating new golfers into a variety of golf groups of various skill levels. The Committee planned and executed a full golf calendar for the year, including not only member only events, but also a return to member - guest golf events. The Men ’ s Two - Day Member/Guest held in January was fully subscribed with 144 players and all events have seen an increase in participation. The fourth annual Veterans ’ Day golf event raised over $34,000 with 192 members playing.
Member rounds of golf have increased 6 percent, and guest activi- ty has surged, since COVID restrictions have relaxed. We have also seen a 30 percent increase in lesson activity, which we attrib- ute to a revitalization of golf, plus the major influx of new mem- bers in the community. The golf retail shop has performed better that expected in both soft goods and hard goods. We have experienced a 10% percent increase in total golf shop sales, primarily in hard goods. This can be attributed to more frequent personalized club fitting demo days, and an uptick in the enthusiasm to play golf. We have fully upgrade of our current fleet of golf carts. The up- grade consisted of all the batteries being changed out, and system- atically changing tires and seats as needed. The entire fleet of club owned golf carts now have a GPS unit on them, so that we can track them at any given time, and identify missing cart locations and any misuse of the fleet carts on the golf course. We were fortunate to have a dedicated golf professional staff that is committed to servicing the membership and creating an enjoya- ble golf environment. We encourage our fellow members to thank our golf professionals for their efforts they made during the year.
Jim Anchin, Chairperson David Rosenblatt, Vice - Chairperson Golf Committee
2021/2022 Annual Report Page 14
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