GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE Shelley Parker, Chairperson Marcia Levy, Vice - Chairperson Ellen Malasky and Marty Krall, Board Liaison

Steve Cohen Jane Feinstein Jonathan Goldstein Joan Spero

The Governance Committee has had an extremely productive year, working hard to update the community's governing docu- ments. Areas the committee have addressed include the nominat-

ing committee selection process and updating the Rules and Regulations document.

Shelley Parker, Chairperson Marcia Levy, Vice Chairperson Governance Committee

GREEN COMMITTEE Richard Adler, Chairperson Marty Rosenman, Vice - Chairperson Robert Scherer, Board Liaison

Nancy Berkley Ken Bezozo Mel Boren

Michael Eigner Marjorie Feld Marnie Grossberg

David Sherman Jeff Tauber Steve Weinberg

This summer the maintenance crew will concentrate on more aggressive cultural practices to the South course and the beauti- fication of both courses. The South course never closed for maintenance in 2021 because of the North course improvement project. Less disruptive practices were performed so the turf would be ready for the season but this summer the staff will get more aggressive with aerification, dethatching and topdressing. Also, when the courses are closed for maintenance, the land- scaping teams will overhaul a few high - profile areas with plant replacement and extra detailing. As a result of a recommendation from the Green Committee, the Board has allocated additional funds for the annual golf maintenance operating and capital equipment budgets. The maintenance team ’ s focus will be to improve the visual aspects of the courses. Although improving turf conditions will be par- amount; landscape beautifications and more defined surrounds will also enhance the enjoyment of our courses. Benchmarks and objectives will be established to measure our success. Ad- ditionally, we are now exploring the possibility of hiring an outside consultant to assist us. As always, input from the membership is welcomed and appre- ciated. We would also like to thank the committee for their ser- vice to the community.

The Green Committee would like to thank the golf maintenance team for maintaining our golf courses at the high level we are accustomed to. We would also like to thank the members who have joined in the effort to improve the turf by closely adhering to the cart rules. During the summer we completed the North Course improve- ment project. The primary focus was to restore all the putting surfaces, enhance the playability of the 7th and 17th green complexes, add forward teeing boxes and increase the size and function of the practice green next to the starter ’ s building. Mr. Jim Fazio worked with our contractor, Country Club Services, and the maintenance team to tackle the project. Since re - opening in October, the staff has been vigilant with the new greens while they are maturing. The North greens may seem just a bit slower than the South greens until the weather warms up in the Spring. Enthusiasm for golf has increased during the pandemic. One cart per player caused cart traffic to double. In November, the Golf and Green Committees invited all the various men ’ s and wom- en ’ s golf groups to discuss solutions to this challenge. A letter was sent to the membership to encourage two players per cart for those who were comfortable and more signage, course markings and roped off areas were added to help direct cart traffic. Recent- ly, the CDC relaxed Covid - 19 restrictions which has enabled us to reinstitute pre - Covid cart rules of two carts per foursome.

Richard Adler, Chairperson Martin Rosenman, Vice - Chairperson Green Committee

2021/2022 Annual Report Page 15

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