NOMINATING COMMITTEE Ann Brown, Chairperson Robert Annunziata, Non - Voting Board Member

Marjorie Feinstein Richard Fleisher

Bruce Levy Marshall Manley Arnold Mazur Suzanne Kopp - Moskow

Ed Sack Joan Sclar Lisette Siegel Valerie Sonsteby Bobbi Wiener

Martin Gregge Charles Jayson Ruth Karlin

This year there were ten (10) candidates running for five (5) open Board positions. The Committee conducted interviews over a 3 - day period with all having impressive backgrounds. The Committee deliberated and per the By - Laws nominated candidates equal to the number of vacancies. The Committee nominated the following candidates:

The Nominating process began on November 03, 2022, with a letter to eligible members of the 202 lot owners in Group C. A second random selection was made out of the forty - three (43) interested members, with the first fifteen (15) forming the 2022/2023 Nominating Committee. An organizational meeting was held on December 15, 2022, to conduct the first order of business.

Diane Exter

Carey Pack

Stephen Cohen

Ted Davis

Jon Barovick

The nominating process also allows for forty members in good standing of the Asso ciation who are not on the Nominating Committee to also nominate a candidate for election to the Board of Governors by petition. Two petitions were submitted:

I would like to thank the Nominating Committee for their time, dedication and hard work in this year ’ s nominating process.

Ann Brown, Chairperson 2022/2023 Nominating Committee

Martin Krall

Michael Azeez

STRATEGIC PLANNING Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Miles Tucker, ED/COO

Michael Azeez Diane Exter Marie Adler - Kravecas Jeffrey Maurer

Jonathan Mayblum Carey Pack Sandy Salz Bob Scherer

The Strategic Planning Committee was established last year by President Diane Exter as a Board Committee whose members are Ellen Malasky, Chair, Diane Exter, Jonathan Mayblum, Jeffrey Maurer and Robert Sherer. The Committee immediate ly went to work identifying and retaining a consultant to help move this initiative forward. GGA Partners was ultimately selected to work with Frenchman ’ s Creek to develop and build a strategic plan to move the community forward into the fu ture. In January, the committee was expanded to include the following members of the community: Marie Kravecas, Ronni Grebow, Carey Pack and Sandy Salz.

cus groups helped GGA develop the member - wide survey that asked each and every member to participate and provide re sponses. The survey closes on April 16, 2023 and all members are strongly encouraged to submit their responses. In addition to GGA ’ s help with strategic planning, Burnside group was engaged to perform a first ever Reserves Study of our equipment and facilities to provide Frenchman ’ s with a better foundation for planning maintenance, repair and re placement of various assets. We look forward to receiving Burnside ’ s report in the coming weeks.

Ellen Malasky, Chairperson Strategic Planning Committee

GGA held focus groups both on campus at Frenchman ’ s and virtually, with more than 170 members participating. The fo

2022/2023 Annual Report Page 13

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