GRIEVANCE Steve Cohen, Chairperson Mark Jacobs, Vice - Chairperson
Steve Bernstein Amy Engelman Tobi Glatt
Barbara Ilsen Saul Kravecas Paul Siler
Joan Spero
The role of the Grievance Committee is to promote the friendly and collegial atmosphere that defines the lifestyle and traditions of Frenchman ’ s Creek by providing a forum for resolving dis putes and violations of our Rules. The Committee is charged with investigating written complaints relative to any Member ’ s conduct and acts; acting as a mediator between two or more parties who have a dispute within the community; and when necessary holding hearings regarding the inappropriate conduct of a Member towards another Member or employee. The Grievance Committee seeks, whenever possible, to defuse problems before they result in formal grievances. Most matters that come to the attention of the Grievance Committee are re solved privately, without the need for a formal process. The Grievance Committee may not initiate a grievance or im pose a penalty. Grievances can only be brought by two Board members or by senior management, and only the Board can
impose a penalty. If, after investigating and holding a hearing on a grievance, the Committee determines that a Rules violation oc curred, it may recommend to the Board that a suspension or other penalty be imposed, and the Board may accept, reject or modify the Grievance Committee ’ s recommendation. If the Board votes to impose a penalty, the Member may appeal the Board ’ s decision to an independent panel of three other members, and the penalty will not take effect unless approved by that panel. During 2022, the Grievance Committee heard new grievances but resolved numerous other issues privately. The committee also heard several appeals of speeding violations.
The Committee is committed to treating all Members who come before it fairly and with respect.
Steve Cohen, Chairperson Mark Jacobs, Vice - Chairperson Grievance Committee
LEGAL Peter Berkley, Chairperson Barbara Ilsen, Vice - Chairperson Martin Krall, Board Liaison
Ken Bezozo Michael Forman Stephen Gordon
Chester Luby Jeffrey Rich Michael Spero
The primary purpose of the Legal Committee is to offer guid ance from a legal perspective to the Executive Director and the Board of Governors with regard to matters that may arise in the governance of the Frenchman's Creek community, to advise them in recognizing where outside legal advice would be advan tageous and to consult with outside counsel with regard to cer tain matters as to which such counsel has been retained. The Legal Committee is composed of a number of talented attorneys who provide a valuable service to our community. During the 2022 - 2023 year, members of the Legal Committee
have been involved in the consideration and drafting of numerous proposed amendments to the governing documents of French man's Creek, the drafting of a Whistleblower Policy on Employee Reporting of Improper Conduct and consultation with the Board of Governors and outside counsel with respect to occasional con troversies between members of the community.
Peter Berkley, Chairperson Barbara Ilsen, Vice - Chairperson Legal Committee
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