

• THE PAVILION is now targeted for opening on August 1, offering complimentary Breakfast, fixed-price Lunch ($14.95) and Brunch ($19.95), and a la carte Dinner service daily. • Valet Parking will be moved to the Pavilion when it opens. • During the season, Club and Community events will also be taking place here; any closure of the Pavilion for such events will be announced well in advance, with reminders (and information regarding alternate venues for regular meal service during the closure) provided closer to the event time. • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner service will continue at the SPORTS BAR until the Clubhouse closes permanently, which is now targeted for mid-July. • The Clubhouse kitchen will close once the Sports Bar is no longer operational. “THE VILLAGE” CONSTRUCTION

• Construction on “THE VILLAGE” (our working name for the cluster of temporary management, staff, and food service facilities to be located directly to the southeast of the Pavilion) will begin in earnest this month, and will include the following facilities:


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