Rules Highlights
Use of cellular phones is not permitted while driving a motorized vehicle within Frenchman’s Creek, except for the use of hands-free features.
No person may walk a dog(s) on the roadways within Frenchman’s Creek while driving in a golf cart.
Bicycles must only be parked in the racks provided for that purpose.
Speeding in excess of the posted speed limit for any motorized vehicle or golf carts will result in a speeding violation. Fine and/on suspension (please refer to the Rules and Regulations for details on speeding viola- tions).
All citations issued to a Member’s family, guest, invitee, agent or contractor will be treated as citations against the Member.
Parking is permitted on only one side of any roadway. Parking is permitted on the even side of a roadway, based on house numbers, on even num- bered calendar days; and odd side of a roadway, based on house num- bers, on odd numbered calendar days. Parking on Frenchman’s Creek Drive is prohibited.
1. The ladies’ or men’s card rooms may not be used for any function other than card playing without the authorization of the Executive Director.
2. No card playing is permitted in the Clubhouse, other than in the card rooms, without the approval of the Executive Director.
3. Children under the age of eighteen (18) are not permitted in the card play- ing areas while play is in progress.
4. Each immediate family guest may use the card rooms a maximum of thirty (30) days per year. 5. Each house guest or outside guest may use the card rooms a maximum of fifteen (15) days per year and must be accompanied by the Member. 6. No food or drink may be consumed in the card rooms except for food or drinks served in the card room by POA staff.
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