MANDATE THREE: To design an adaptable and sustainable New Clubhouse that can serve the Frenchman’s Creek community well into the future. • The New Clubhouse has been designed to be incredibly flexible. The ballroom, the 19th hole and the women’s card suite can be divided intomany combinations of various sized and soundproofed spaces to accommodate a variety of functions, meetings, lectures, performances, and dining experiences. • The New Clubhouse will be elevated at least 2 feet to enhance views, solve our current drainage issues, provide for better plumbing and sewage flows, and possibly mitigate threats from climate change. • Taking full advantage of advances in glass technology developed over the last 10-15 years, the New Clubhouse will provide natural light virtually everywhere. This will provide health benefits to our Members and staff along with minimizing energy consumption. • The New Clubhouse will allow for significant operating and energy efficiencies. • The New Clubhouse will be built to Florida standards for energy efficiency and design.

MANDATE FOUR: To design a NEW Clubhouse with all the attendant advantages only NEW designs can offer: • It will be sited, elevated and secured with 100% state-of-the-art structures, systems, and technologies. • It will be 100% built to the newest building codes. • It will carry 100% new construction warranties. • It will have a 170-mph wind rating for the entire structure which will include a structural concrete roof. • By elevating the building at least two feet, it will address our existing drainage issues, eliminate reliance on mechanical pumps, provide better sewage flow, protect against floods and enhance views. • It will not just “appear” new… it will be new; with modern architectural, structural and design elements. • It will use modern glass technologies to maximize our healthy exposure to natural light. • It will have significantly less ongoing maintenance costs than the current building. • It will have a longer useful life. • And, with a clean slate, we can design for what we want rather than be constrained by what we have.

• 100% to newest codes • 100% warrantied • 170 mph wind rating • Elevated 2.5 feet


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