The New Clubhouse building design was driven by four essential mandates:
MANDATE ONE: To deliver a building where all Member, dining and functional spaces have at least as much capacity and/or size as the current clubhouse building. • The New Clubhouse design meets or exceeds expectations in virtually every room and the result is a more efficient building with more usable and flexible space then we currently have. • Program mandates are achievable without adding space to an already large facility. More space isn’t the answer. Better space is. • With a smaller footprint, the New Clubhouse will have greater dining capacity and more outdoor space. • The floor plan will have a very easy, intuitive and efficient flow with no wasted space. • Storage areas will have an actual nexus to the venues they serve making for a more efficient operation. • We will have a built to spec, modern kitchen facility,withacentral commissary, that can more capably service all the clubhouse dining venues in an efficient, effective and coordinated fashion. • Gone are the maze of hallways, wasted spaces and columns, needless transition areas between additions, oversized and underutilized locker areas, 5 different kitchens and 48 external doors.
MANDATE TWO: That the clubhouse we live in, dine in, play in and even work in, should be an attractive space filled with natural light and fresh air promoting a healthy, productive and interactive environment. • The result is a spectacular two-story rectangular building in which virtually every room, including the ballroom, all dining venues, card rooms, pre-function areas, the POA space, Golf Shop, Kid’s Creek and the Board Room are all along the building’s exterior, offering everyone windows and views. • Our ballroomwill now have unobstructed vistas of our beautiful property both east and south. • All Member rooms will have beautiful views and contiguous covered outdoor seating areas maximizing both natural light and fresh air. • OurPOAofficeswill nowhavea first class, attractive and productive work setting commensurate with the enormous effort these folks put forth everyday. • Higher ceilings, modern glass and two large cupolas will enhance ambiance and feel throughout. • It will have a grand, elegant presence, curb appeal and a stronger arrival sequence that are more in keeping with Frenchman’s Creek’s premier status. • Every daytime activity is off the main gallery hall, which will allow for greater community interaction. • Gone are the blocked views, projection screens, lower ceilings, dark areas, and underground spaces.
Let’s preserve our ‘second to none’ culture.
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