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Agreement with the Oceanview Methodist Church in Juno Beach : Frenchman’s has re- cently signed a three-year lease with the Oceanview Methodist Church in Juno Beach, beginning June 1, 2021, and ending June 1, 2024, which will cover the entire Clubhouse ren- ovation period. The Club has had an excellent relationship with the Church for over 20 years with the Club using the Church’s property as overflow parking for the Beach Club in ex- change for the Club assisting with the Church’s landscaping. Under the new agreement, in addition to the use of the Church’s parking during peak Club times, the Club will be able to use 9 offices for up to 18 staff members and use the Fellow- ship Hall and kitchen for Board, Committee and Community meetings. This will be very helpful during the Clubhouse construction period. In exchange the Club will provide day-to-day rou- tine maintenance and repair for the Church building (not including major repairs or replace- ment of capital items) and continue to do the Church’s landscaping. The Board enthusiasti- cally supports this agreement. Dog Park Expansion: The POA is currently studying ways to expand the play area at the dog park for our four-legged members. A local land planner was engaged to review the area and provide a proposal. We expect to have a detailed plan including costs within the next month or two. Train Noise Issues: For many years French- man’s, through our External Affairs Committee, has worked very hard on efforts to reduce rail- road noise, even opposing the more recent rail- road expansion efforts. This matter has again been brought back for discussion. An Ad Hoc Committee will be formed to look at additional future solutions.
Mr. Schulweis, Chair of the Clubhouse
Ad Hoc Committee, reported the following:
• The design process is moving forward. The schematic design (first phase) is nearly complete, and the design team is working closely with engineering consultants to de- termine the field conditions and how they need to be incorporated into the plans. • Early demolition plans have been reex- amined and reduced to an investigative pro- cess so that selective areas of walls and ceilings will be revealed to determine the field conditions and any “hidden issues”. • The Committee has completed and ap- proved the site plan and the City of Palm Beach Gardens will meet in late July with Gaudet and the Civil Engineer to provide necessary approvals for site and drainage work to begin. • Most of the external consulting contracts have been signed with the total amount for professional fees currently within budget. • Numerous walkthroughs have been per- formed by the Committee with the various professionals working on the project. • Mold reports have been completed with nothing significant found to date. • The cost of building materials has risen dra- matically. We are carefully monitoring the impact to determine if this trend will continue. TEMPORARY FACILITIES AC HOC COMMITTEE UPDATE Mr. Handler, Chair of the Temporary Fa- cilities Committee along with Mr. Goswami, Mr. Polselli and many other staff members contin- ue to move forward with plans for how Member services will be successfully continued during the Clubhouse construction. An update on the progress is as follows:
Report Continues on Page 4
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