Newsletter June 2015

R E A L E S T A T E & M A R K E T I N G

Pame l a Rudd , Di rec t or o f Bus i ness Deve l opmen t

REAL ESTATE : Inventory summary as of May 20, 2015:

Currently on the market: 19 homes and 1 lot

(7 custom homes, 8 patio homes, 2 villas, and 2 townhomes).

Contracts pending : 11 (3 new members, 8 in-house) Sold this fiscal : 4 (2 new members and 2 in-house) The average list price: $2.2M and $441/AC/SF The average sale price: $1.8M and $291/AC/SF

A “Meet the Realtor” program has been established to introduce top producing Realtors to the members. A brief commercial will be placed on FCTV and on the member side of the website. A newsletter will be printed and delivered to the members’ homes. An electronic version will also be distributed. Frenchman’s Creek will host a quarterly “Meet the Realtor” social function and invite the members to attend.

MARKETING : We continue improving the website ranking by implementing new key words, creating new video footage and designing new search engine optimization campaigns. Please assist improving our rankings within the various search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. All that this requires is for you, your family and friends to like us on our Facebook page ( Follow us, share and post your Frenchman’s Creek experiences on our various social media outlets, twitter, tumblr, YouTube and #FrenchmansCreek.

June 2015


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