06 NEWSLETTER. July 2014
NY Brunch with Warhol In this program, we take our inspiration from the master of pop art. You can munch on bagels, cream cheese and lox as you create art inspired by Andy Warhol. The idea is to have fun using bold subject matter and color to create your own take on welcome. Art supplies will be provided. To Sign up for the classes please contact the Food and Beverage Office: 561-273-2647 Still Life: Red or White Art and Wine: Enjoyed by the masters for centuries and still a perfect combination. Sip on a glass of cabernet sauvignon or chardonnay as you paint, draw or collage from the still life. Expect something wonderful to happen! Date: August 18 Time: 2 pm - 4 pm Frida Kahlo Passion and a unique style made Frida Kahlo’s work memorable, and we will take our inspiration from her work to enjoy an afternoon of painting in her style. Come relax, create and enjoy some Mexican refreshments. SUMMER SPLASH ART SERIES Join us for Summer Art Classes. The classes will give you the opportunity to associate with others with like interests and learn new skills in a laid-back atmosphere. Beginner and advanced students this artist’s style. Date: July 10 Time: 10 am - 12 pm
LECTURES SERIES Presented by Dr. Stuart Bailin Tuesday, July 8 Tuesday, August 12 5:00 pm Please call the Food and Beverage Office to sign up for the Lecture and for dinner arrangements 561-273-2647
NAVY SEAL MUSEUM TRIP Wednesday, July 9 12 pm (noon)
Join us for a trip to the National Navy UDT - Seal Museum. The museum is the only one of its kind dedicated solely to preserving the history of the Navy Seals and their predecessors, including the Underwater Demolition Teams, Naval Combat Demolition Units, Office of Strategic Services Maritime Units and Amphibious Scouts and Raiders. Located in Fort Pierce, Florida the birthplace opportunity to explore the history of the Navy SEALs while honoring our fallen at the SEAL Memorial and caring for those warriors families through the Trident House. Departing from the Main Club at 12 pm (noon). To sign up and for more information regarding all activities, please call Bilian at 561-846-9987. of the Navy Frogman, the Museum promotes public education by providing the
SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL Wednesdays Starting at 7:30 pm Men’s Card Room
2014-2015 SEASON Palm Beach Dramaworks is a professional not-for-profit theatre company that engages and entertains audiences with provocative and timeless productions that personally impact each individual. Join your neighbors with a Palm Beach Dramaworks subscription. For more information and a schedule, please call 561-514-4042.
For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
Date: September 11 Time: 2 pm - 4 pm
July 2014
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