06 NEWSLETTER. July 2014
July 2014 Newsletter
Join us for our July festivities Happy Birthday, America!
July 2014
What We Love About… JULY
Happy 4 th of July! On July 4, 1776, we claimed our independence from Britain and Democracy was born. Every day thousands leave their homeland to come to the “land of the free and the home of the brave” so they can begin their American Dream. Each year on July 4, we celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, and family gatherings. Join us for our July festivities at Frenchman’s Creek. Happy Birthday, America! For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
Lighten up Florida summers means heat and humidity, so contemplate making minor changes to your decor that will make your surroundings more comfortable. Change your bed linens from winter flannels to airy cotton blends or silks. Do your duty for the environment and give the air conditioning a break by buying a few stylish fans to place in and around your house.
July 2014
Fly high Take advantage of the warm breeze and sunny skies by planning a trip to your local park to fly a kite with your family. Pack a picnic lunch and you have the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon. Summer Film Festival Join us for family-friendly movies every Wednesdays thru the summer at 7:30 pm at Frenchman’s Creek. with others with like interests and learn new skills in a laid-back atmosphere. More information on page 8. Cocktail Connoisseur Backyard soirees are a dime a dozen come this time of year, so next time you host, try something different by having a cocktail pot-luck (with hors d'oeurves, naturally). Invite a group of friends to create a new, season-themed drink (alcoholic or non) and have a judging panel choose the ultimate sipper. Remember, the summer is all about letting loose and having some fun. Don't take it too seriously! Let Art to Your Life Join us for Summer Art Classes. The classes will give you the opportunity to associate
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2-3 What we love about... 4 Activities 5 Calendar 6-7 Fitness & Spa 8 Security 9 Golf 10 Tennis 11 At Your Service
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Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club 13495 Tournament Drive
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Club House: (561) 622-8300
Frenchman’s Creek Beach Club 400 Celestial Way Juno Beach, FL 33408 Beach Club: (561) 624-3400
July 2014
NY Brunch with Warhol In this program, we take our inspiration from the master of pop art. You can munch on bagels, cream cheese and lox as you create art inspired by Andy Warhol. The idea is to have fun using bold subject matter and color to create your own take on welcome. Art supplies will be provided. To Sign up for the classes please contact the Food and Beverage Office: 561-273-2647 Still Life: Red or White Art and Wine: Enjoyed by the masters for centuries and still a perfect combination. Sip on a glass of cabernet sauvignon or chardonnay as you paint, draw or collage from the still life. Expect something wonderful to happen! Date: August 18 Time: 2 pm - 4 pm Frida Kahlo Passion and a unique style made Frida Kahlo’s work memorable, and we will take our inspiration from her work to enjoy an afternoon of painting in her style. Come relax, create and enjoy some Mexican refreshments. SUMMER SPLASH ART SERIES Join us for Summer Art Classes. The classes will give you the opportunity to associate with others with like interests and learn new skills in a laid-back atmosphere. Beginner and advanced students this artist’s style. Date: July 10 Time: 10 am - 12 pm
LECTURES SERIES Presented by Dr. Stuart Bailin Tuesday, July 8 Tuesday, August 12 5:00 pm Please call the Food and Beverage Office to sign up for the Lecture and for dinner arrangements 561-273-2647
NAVY SEAL MUSEUM TRIP Wednesday, July 9 12 pm (noon)
Join us for a trip to the National Navy UDT - Seal Museum. The museum is the only one of its kind dedicated solely to preserving the history of the Navy Seals and their predecessors, including the Underwater Demolition Teams, Naval Combat Demolition Units, Office of Strategic Services Maritime Units and Amphibious Scouts and Raiders. Located in Fort Pierce, Florida the birthplace opportunity to explore the history of the Navy SEALs while honoring our fallen at the SEAL Memorial and caring for those warriors families through the Trident House. Departing from the Main Club at 12 pm (noon). To sign up and for more information regarding all activities, please call Bilian at 561-846-9987. of the Navy Frogman, the Museum promotes public education by providing the
SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL Wednesdays Starting at 7:30 pm Men’s Card Room
2014-2015 SEASON Palm Beach Dramaworks is a professional not-for-profit theatre company that engages and entertains audiences with provocative and timeless productions that personally impact each individual. Join your neighbors with a Palm Beach Dramaworks subscription. For more information and a schedule, please call 561-514-4042.
For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
Date: September 11 Time: 2 pm - 4 pm
July 2014
1 Creek Club Activities 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Bridge, Canasta & More 7pm
2 Creek Club Activities 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Adults Arts & Crafts 2-3pm Summer Film Festival 7:30pm 9 Spa Member Guest Summer Excursion with Billian Summer Film Festival 7:30pm 19th Hole Dinner
3 Creek Club Ac- tivities 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
4 Independence Day Creek Club Activities 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Mixed Couples Golf 4th of July Celebration 11 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
5 Creek Club Activities
July 2014
Breakfast at Wimbledon– Ladies Finals 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Beach Club Wood Oven Chicken
Beach Club Lobster Fest
19th Hole Dinner
6 Breakfast at Wim- bledon Men’s Finals Mixed Couples Golf
7 Summer Tennis 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
8 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Stuart Bailin Lecture 5pm Bridge, Canasta & More 7pm
10 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Splash Art Painting 10am
12 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
Beach Club Wine Maker Dinner
Beach Club Dinner
Beach Club Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
13 Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
14 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
15 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Bridge, Canasta & More 7pm
16 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch Summer Film Festival 7:30pm
17 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
18 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
19 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Off Property Beer Tasting with Stephen Beach Club Dinner 24 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Beach Club Brazilian Churrasco
Beach Club Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
20 Club Brunch Beach Club Brunch
21 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
22 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
23 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
25 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
26 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Bridge, Canasta & More 7pm
Summer Film Festival 7:30pm
Beach Club Dinner
Beach Club Dinner
Beach Club Coal Fired Pizza
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
27 Club Brunch BC Calypso Brunch
28 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
29 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
30 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
31 19th Hole Lunch Beach Club Lunch
Bridge, Canasta & More 7pm
Summer Film Festival 7:30pm
Beach Club Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
19th Hole Dinner
July 2014
Fitness & Spa
For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
July 2014
Fitness & Spa
Have fun at the Fitness Center with instructional Classes. All Summer Program classes are complimentary. For an appointment, please call the Fitness Center & Spa at 561-622-3691. Introduction to Yoga with Liz Carson Monday, July 7 10—11 am 15 min sessions One on One body assessment to learn how to increase flexibility, strength, and balance. Call to reserve your spot. Rope class with Federico Friday, July 18 3—4pm Ropes Gone Wild !! A fun Fast and furious workout to get strength and power. Group Class no reservations needed .
Summer Spa Specials
Valid Dates are 6/1/14—9/30/14
Product Special Receive 15% Off any Spa retail item the same day you receive any spa service Facial Special Any 80 min. Spa Facial $99 Nail Special Receive an Organic or Footlogix Pedicure for$30 Massage Special Receive an Organic Massage for 50min $75 / 80 min $105
For more information or to book an appointment, please call at 561-622-3691
July 2014
Weathering the Storm
As the seasons change and temperatures rise, so does the potential for severe—and damaging— weather. Minimize the risk to your home and car by taking these steps before and during a storm. Plus, learn what you should do after the storm passes if there is damage.
AFTER Home: Follow authorities’ guidance on evacuation orders. Go to the safest place in the house, preferably a central room with no windows or outside doors. Keep a battery-powered radio with you for updates and alerts. Car: Avoid driving when a storm is threatening. If the weather gets severe when you’re on the road, find a safe, protected place to pull over. And never drive through standing water. What looks like a shallow puddle could actually be several inches deep, enough to stall your engine and strand you. When it’s safe to go outside, walk around the house and look for damage. Don’t forget to look at the roof for subtle damage, such as missing shingles, and watch for downed wires. If there is damage that is covered by your homeowners policy, contact your insurance company immediately so they can start the claims process. Be highly suspicious of strangers who come to your house and claim to be a contractor—or tell you they know a contractor—then offer to make repairs for far less than a contractor you might secure. Car: If there is damage that is covered by your auto policy, contact your insurance company immediately so they can start on the claims process. Home:
Walk through your house, looking for things that might be affected by threatening weather and considering ways to prevent problems. For example, electronics are vulnerable to lightning strikes, so unplug them as stormy weather approaches. Look for potential problems outside as well, such as an old tree that could fall on your roof or unsecured items of furniture that could become projectiles in high wind. Create (or update) an inventory of all your possessions and valuables. Use a digital camera or smartphone to take photos and/or video of your possessions, then store these digital files on a cloud-based site or in a secure place such as a safe deposit box. Review your homeowners insurance policy to understand what it covers—and doesn’t cover. If you have questions or need better coverage, take your policy to an insurance agent for a comprehensive review. And make sure you have a separate flood insurance policy: Homeowners policies do not cover flood damage. Stock up on canned food, bottled water, flashlights and batteries. Car: Park in a protected area, such as a garage. Review your auto insurance policy to understand what storm-related damage it covers and consider meeting with an insurance agent for a review.
July 2014
SUMMER RECIPROCITY May 19th—September 30th
The reciprocity list identifies the local country clubs that Frenchman’s Creek will reciprocate with for the 2014 summer season. Member(s) who would like to play on any course on the reciprocity list must inform the golf pro shop with their request at least three days prior to the day requested. Monday thru Friday after 9:30 am. Saturday and Sunday upon availability of the host facility. The clubs listed are NOT available for play at any time. We are at the discretion of the host facility. The designated playing clubs under our reciprocity
Friday, July 4 Sunday, July 6
Show off that patriotic spirit by joining our Mixed Events. The format is Step Aside Scramble and will include Golf, Luncheon and Prizes. The tee time is an 8:30AM Shotgun. MIXED MEMBER STEP ASIDE SHAMBLE Saturday, July 5 Please join us for this summer event. The 8:30 Shotgun start includes: golf, brunch and prizes. For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
agreement are listed below: Admiral’s Cove Country Club BallenIsles Country Club
$35.00 $50.00 $45.00 $45.00 $45.00 $55.00 $50.00
Banyan Golf Club
Frenchman’s Reserve Country Club Harbour Ridge Country Club Jonathan’s Landing Country Club
Mirasol Country Club Old Palm Golf Club Palm Beach Country Club
$85.00/plus Caddie
Trump National $85.00/plus Caddie For more information, please call Golf Pro Shop at 561-622-1620. The Progressive Target Drill The key to a successful wedge game is distance control. If you can learn to pitch a ball to a specific target, you can achieve the proper distance to reach your objective, the hole. One of the best practice drills to achieve the proper distance is the Progressive Target Drill. Using any lofted wedge, play a shot to a spot ten yards away. Hit your second shot to wherever your first shot comes to rest. Hit you third shot to the second ball’s position and continue the process to each new target ball up to 50 yards. Practice this drill every day and you will become a short game
9 July 2014 9
July 2014
TENNIS CLINICS Tuesdays 8:30 am – 10 am
BREAKFAST WIMBLEDON Saturday, July 5 Ladies Singles Final 9 am Sunday, July 6 Gentlemen Singles Final 9 am Breakfast at Wimbledon is an eagerly anticipated summer ritual for tennis fans around the world. It's the opportunity to view today's tennis greats compete on the ever- challenging, less common, grass court surface. Join us for breakfast before 9:00 am. to sit back and watch superstar tennis players. Our breakfast at Wimbledon menu is infused with vibrant sips, petite treats and strawberries and cream galore.
Can’t make it to your Saturday morning match? Sign up for this clinic for a great workout. Get technical advice from the pros on any shot you may need to work on, plus leave the class feeling energized and wanting to play more. All members are welcome. ROUND ROBINS Thursdays & Saturdays 8:30 am – 10 am Grab your racquet and join us for our Round Robin. Sign up with the Tennis Pro Shop call at 622-1623. PICKLEBALL GAME Fridays 8:30 am—10 am Sign up for Pickleball game and a great workout. The Pickleball game, is a combination of tennis, badminton and ping pong. It is a fast growing sport in many parts of the country and you should try it too. Please call Tennis Shop at 622-1623, for more information and to sign up.
Did you know that Frenchman’s Creek has nine courts lighted for evening and nighttime play once the sun goes down? To reserve one of these courts please call the pro shop (before 1:30 pm the day of play) and we will turn the lights on and off for you. We hope you take advantage of this evening opportunity this summer season, because it is a great way to BEAT THE HEAT.
For more information on our July 4th program, please check the publication: “4th of July Family Activities”. Copies are available in all the outlets throughout the club.
July 2014
At Your Service
KEVIN’S SUMMER GOLF CART MAINTENANCE SERVICES Program І—$45.00 (should be done at least twice a year) Water batteries check and rotate. Check and fill air pressure in tires. Check brakes and adjust as necessary. Check accessories and advise on any repairs that may be needed. Inspect for loose connections on batteries and terminals. Address any corrosion on battery tops. Report to the member any future or present problems in need of further repair. Program II—$12.50 per month Kevin’s Summer battery maintenance program is performed once a month in two parts which includes: 1. Check the water in the batteries, plug in cart and charge. 2. Unplug the charger from the wall and receptacle. Program III—$1,685.50 We also have a summer (June thru September) refurbishing program for your golf cart which includes a paint job, curtains pin striping, lettering and seat covers for $1,685.50 plus tax—a savings of $200.00. Please call Kevin Walker to schedule your appointment at (561) 273-2667 or (561) 371-2933. Grease all fittings. Inspect motor for loose connections. Check wiring.
GUESTS REGISTRATION You may register your guests online through the Frenchman’s Creek website and print guest passes in the convenience of your home. To access online, please perform the following steps: 1. Log onto the members’ website by going to www.FrenchmansCreek.com. 2. Enter your username and password then click login. 3. Click option "Resources”, then on the left site second option is Guest Registration . 4. Click Guest Registration and fill in the necessary information
TRANSPORTATION Around town? Book your private chauffeur to drive you and your guests to your desired destinations; in the comfort of your own vehicle. Traveling? Add ease to your travel to and from airports or sea ports by having our drivers do the driving in the comfort of your own vehicle. To arrange your transportation, please contact the POA office at (561) 627-1467 during office hours. For after hours or weekends, please call Bilian directly at (561) 846- 9987. Once your transportation is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation call the day before to let you know who will be picking you up. Please give at least 24 hours notice when booking your transportation.
individually for each guest. 5. When you hit the “Send
Request” button, the system will allow you to print the pass at that time and will also e-mail it to the address on the form. The POA office will also receive a copy of the
pass for tracking purposes. Unaccompanied guests must
present their passes upon arrival at the Beach Club or Fitness Center. Access to these facilities may be denied without a guest pass. Should you have any questions, please contact the POA Office at (561)-627-1467.
HURRICANE SHUTTERS Hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30th. Hurricane and storm shutters may be installed at the beginning of hurricane season but no earlier than June 1st and are required to be removed by November 30th. An application must be submitted to the Architectural Review Board prior to new shutter installation. Please refer to our Hurricane Shutter Policy in the ARB Manual. For assistance, please contact Kathy O’Brien at (561) 273-2616.
July 2014
July 2014
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