12 NEWSLETTER. January 2014
MARKETING ENHANCEMENTS: It has been a busy year in our real estate marketplace as you can see above; with a subsequent 31% decrease in inventory and a 18% average price increase. Frenchman’s inventory decreased 38% average $/SF increased 24% overall. With 22 new members closed or pending already we are very pleased with the sales results this fiscal year.
Your marketing department has done much this fiscal to create more demand for the real estate in the community: Website redesign, a realty site, public relations campaigns to brokers, realtors and high end niche market community organizations; new collateral with a fresh look; e-brochures; targeted brand advertising; and as of late an international campaign with international domains and websites to be launched. Recently we implemented a realty app so that realtors would be able to quickly access our current listings and information on our club. If you would like this app on your iPhone let’s set up a time where we can assist you with this; email Maria Varona at mvarona@frenchmanscreek.com.
January 2014
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