NEWSLETTER. December 2014
Monthly Newsletter and Community Information
Newsletter December 2014
December 2014
What We Love About…
Rudolph, who now resides at the North Pole, was born in Chicago in 1939. The Montgomery Ward department store chain assigned ad copywriter Robert May to compose a Christmas poem that could be distributed to customers nationwide. He wrote "Rollo the Red-Nosed Reindeer," but execs didn't like that name. They vetoed Reginald too. May's third name, Rudolph, was accepted, and the poem was shared with millions of customers. Abraham Lincoln's youngest son Thomas, nicknamed Tad, was known as a sensitive youngster. On Christmas 1864, Tad, then 10, took the spirit of the season to heart and invited some street urchins into the White House for a meal. The cooks refused to feed the kids until Tad took up the issue with the president, who ordered that the children be fed. Boxing Day is a weird holiday. No one is sure when it started or how it got its name. Celebrated in many British-influenced lands, Boxing Day is traditionally the day after Christmas. It may be an offshoot of St. Stephen's Day, which is what the Irish call it. In Canada and England, it has turned into a shopping frenzy like America's Black Friday. The "box" in Boxing Day may be the dona- tion bins of the Anglican church that were opened for the poor Dec. 26. Or the name may come from the boxed presents that British aristocrats gave to the help the day after Christmas. The Christmas tradition of kissing someone under the mistletoe took on a decidedly Chicago bent in 1975. The first Mayor Richard Daley was fiercely protective of his family. Responding to criticism that he funneled city business to a company that employed his son, he responded, "There's a mistletoe hanging from my coattail."
The birthstone of December is turquoise. The birth flower of December is the narcissus. National Read a New Book Month In December, Nobel Prizes are awarded. On December 7, 1941, The Unit- ed States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japa- nese planes which killed more than 2,300 Americans. December 27th is National Chocolate Day Poinsettia Day is on December 12th. The traditional Christmas plant we call a Poinsettia was known by the Aztecs as cuetlaxochitl. Its current name came from the first U.S. envoy to Mexico, Joel R. Poinsett, who noticed the plant being used for holiday celebrations and sent a few north to the United States in the 1820s. On December 3, 1967, the first heart transplant was completed. On December 17, 1903, the Wright Brothers made their first flight. On December 14, 1791, the Bill of Rights was passed.
Let us assist you with all your transportation needs. We do it all: Airport Pick-ups or drop-offs; local or not, doctor visits, trips to restaurants or shows. We schedule a driver and use your vehicle. To request a transportation service, please contact the POA Reception (561) 627-1467 during normal business hours or after hours contact Bilian directly (561) 846-9987.
December 2014
INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2 What we love about... 3 Thank You
Frenchman’s Creek Shuttle Service
Lecture Series
Social Activities & Events
Many returning members have complained that they did not receive the article about Frenchman’s Creek that detailed the events and the members that contributed to the club’s success. It was printed in April and mailed to all members soon afterwards, but perhaps something went wrong during the mailing process. Additional copies are now available on the table entering the 19th Hole and on the display stand outside the Grille. Copies can also be picked up in the POA Office. If you have not returned yet for the season, call the POA and copies will be mailed to you.
Beach Club Events
Guest Policy Highlights
iPhone & iPad Class
By Rolly Stroyman
Men’s Member Guest
Visit us on the Web To see all our great features!
Dear members,
Thank you for letting us celebrate our annual employee Holiday Party
Like us on Facebook
on Monday, December 1, 2014.
Follow us on our Blog
There will be no dinner served in our Dining Outlets. Take Out & Food Delivery service will be available for all food orders placed by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, December 1.
Frenchman’s Creek Beach & Country Club 13495 Tournament Drive
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Club House: (561) 622-8300
Frenchman’s Creek Beach Club 400 Celestial Way Juno Beach, FL 33408 Beach Club: (561) 624-3400
December 2014
Frenchman’s Creek Car Wash
Hand Wash Exterior and Interior
Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Just drop off your car at the Valet at the Main Clubhouse
The annual Holiday Shuttle Service to and from the Beach Club. Your favorite way to travel to the Beach.
Shuttle Schedule:
Thanksgiving Holiday
Wednesday, November 26 th until Sunday, November 30 th
Christmas Holiday
Monday, December 22 nd until Sunday, January 4 th
Shuttle is running daily from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pick up location at the Main Club is the Sales Office. Please call the driver to confirm your pick up (561) 273-2700.
December 2014
Join Dalia Rabin, the former Israeli Deputy Minister of Defense and current chairperson of the Yitzhak Rabin Center, and Ambassador Dennis Ross, who played a leading role in shaping US involvement in the Middle East peace process, for an enlightening discussion on the future of Israel.
Dalia Rabin and Dennis Ross with Ethan Bronner Thursday, December 4 th at 8:15 p.m.
Ambassador John Bolton will appear in person. Mr. Bolton served as the American ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush for about 17 months, as a recess appointee. He resigned, when it appeared that he would not win Senate confirmation. He is known for his strong views on foreign policy, often according to Wikipedia, equating diplomacy with weakness and indecisiveness. He is often described as a neo-conservative. He is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and appears regularly on Fox News as a commentator. Ambassador Bolton expects to speak primarily on Israel and the Mideast. Ambassador
Bolton's views are often controversial, but always thought-provoking. Whether you agree with him or not, I guarantee that you will appreciate hearing his perspective on the critical foreign policy issues of our time. Monday, December 15 th at 8:00 p.m.
December 2014
Starry, Starry Night Opening Dinner Dance Saturday, December 6 th
Let’s open the season with a great Party and dance the “Starry Night” away with Soul Survivor 7:00 p.m. Cocktails, Dinner to follow
Texas BBQ and Line Dancing
Thursday, December 11 th starting at 5:30 p.m.
A wonderful event. Bring your en tire family to the Sports Bar and enjoy great food, great music and great fun. Attire: Casual (boots and hats welcome)
December 2014
Beach Club Events
Stone Crab Night Monday, December 8 th Starting at 6:00 p.m.
Our extravagant buffet includes stone crab, oysters and clams on the half shell, shrimp cocktail, Beach Club Salad Bar, hot items featuring our chef’s season- al creations along with dessert display. Skype Wine Dinner Thursday, December 11 th Starting at 6:00 p.m. Our first International Skype Wine Dinner features Argentina. Come for the wine education or just to en- joy good food and good wine. Jazz Dinner Saturday, December 20 th 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Let’s do some Jazz for dinner. Join the Beach Club for a relaxing a la carte dinner accompanied by dinner Jazz music. Seafood Specialties Enjoy market fresh seafood including freshly cracked lobsters, stone crab claws, oysters and many more. A fabulous buffet dinner, of course there will be food available for the meat lovers as well. Beach Club Cabaret Saturday, December 27 th 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Monday, January 5 th Starting at 6:30 p.m. Jimmy Keys will perform on this wonderful unique and intimate evening with a
December 2014
Hanukkah Dinner Tuesday, December 16 th Candle lighting ceremony 5:30 p.m. Dinner to follow
Hanukkah , also known as the Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication, is an eight-day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication of the Holy Temple (the Second Temple) in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Seleucid Empire of the 2nd century BC. Hanukkah is observed for eight nights and days, starting on the 25th day of Kislev according to the Hebrew calendar, which may occur at any time from late November to late December in the Gregorian calendar. The festival is observed by the kindling of the lights of a unique candelabrum, the nine-branched menorah or hanukiah , one additional light on each night of the holiday, progressing to eight on the final night. The typical menorah consists of eight branches with an additional visually distinct branch. The extra light is called a shamash (Hebrew: "attendant") and is given a distinct location, usually above or below the rest. The purpose of the shamash is to have a light available for practical use, as using the Hanukkah lights themselves for purposes other than publicizing and meditating upon Hanukkah is forbidden.
Other Hanukkah festivities include playing dreidel and eating oil based foods such as doughnuts and latkes.
Hanukkah became more widely celebrated beginning from the 1970s, when Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson called for public awareness of the festival and encouraged the lighting of public menorahs.
Holiday Dining in the Grille
The Grille will be available for Adults Only Dining on Mondays and Tuesdays Dec. 22 nd and 23 rd as well as Dec. 29 th and 30 th . Friday and Saturday, Dec. 26 th and 27 th .
Holiday Dining at the Beach Club
The Beach Club welcomes you and your family on Mondays and Tuesdays Dec. 22 nd and 23 rd as well as Dec. 29 th and 30 th . Friday and Saturday, Dec. 26 th and 27 th .
December 2014
Performer Series
Tribute to Eagles - They capture the energy and melody of The Eagles Dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. Show to follow at 8:30 p.m.
Members wishing to participate in our talent/chorus show, the weekend
of March 20 & 21, 2015, please contact the F&B Office at extension
6370 to sign up for this very special event.
Rehearsals will begin in January. Our organizational meeting will be
held within the next two weeks. We will notify those of you who have
signed up to participate, once the date has been determined.
Our Frenchman’s Creek Shows are always a tremendous success and, we
look forward to having you be a part of this Show.
December 2014
Back by popular demand.
Movie information will follow as soon as it becomes available. Wednesday, January 7 th Tuesday, January 13 th Wednesday, January 28 th
Saturday, December 13 th
Evening begins at 6:00 p.m.
Join us on a culinary trip around the world. Pack your dancing shoes. This is a great party night.
December 2014
Look out for our Holiday Creek Club Activities Schedule
Holiday Carnival on Friday, December 26 th
To make all your Holiday Dining Arrangements, please call the Food & Beverage Office (561) 273-2647 or email: reservations @frenchmanscreek. com
11:30 a.m.
December 2014
HOLIDAY ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS for more details review our Never Neverland brochure
MONDAY, DECEMBER 22 nd Petting Zoo & Pony Rides 10:00 a.m. Ice Skating 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Family Dinner 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23 rd Bobby the Balloon Guy 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Ice Skating 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. “Story Time and Pajama Party” DJ, PJs optional 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 th Treasure Hunt 10:00 a.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 th “Christmas in Neverland” 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. FRIDAY, December 26 th Carnival 11:30 a.m. “Pizza, Pasta, Pellegrino” Italian Theme Night, Accordion player, Carnival Games 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 th Grandmother Tea & Jamie Porter the Magician 3:00 p.m. “Holiday in Neverland” 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 th “Rock Around the Croc-O-Dile” DJ, dance contest, prizes awarded 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 th Scavenger Hunt 10:00 a.m. “Indian Pow Wow” DJ, costumes optional, mechanical bull 6:00 p.m. - 9;00 p.m. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 th Family Dinner 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Family Bingo Cash and gift prizes to be awarded WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 st “New Year’s Eve in Neverland” Family Celebration 6:00 p.m.
“Supper Club” Adults Celebration 8:30 p.m.
THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 st New Year’s Day Brunch Brunch is included with your New Year’s Eve Dinner Reservation 11:00 a.m.
“Pixie and Pirates in Neverland” DJ, costumes optional, favors and fun 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
December 2014
A unique and intimate evening, featuring fabulous cabaret performers with a specialty menu. Tables of 6 please!
An international musical comedy entertainer. He delivers a high energy must see variety show packed with comedy. Monday, January 5th, Evening begins at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, January 14
Mesmerizing debut novel that shrinks enormous
issues of race, prejudice, identity and gender into the
dynamics of a single family.
December 2014
Wines by the glass tasting. Enjoy Stephen’s great selection of wines that are also available in our dining outlets. On Friday, December 19 th at 6:00 p.m. in the Living Room
More Beverage tasting Events . . .
(Because no good story starts with: “That one time I ate salad”)
Thursday, December 4 th
(“Keep calm and drink scotch”)
Friday, January 9 th
Family Bingo Night Tuesday, December 30 th A game of chance played with randomly drawn numbers. Great for family and friends. Cash and gift prizes to be awarded. Family dinner is served in the Main Dining Room. Bingo registration begins at 7:15 p.m. First Bingo Numbers will be called at 7:30 p.m.
December 2014
COMPLIMENTARY PICKLEBALL CLINICS Thursday, December 4th Thursday, January 8th Thursday, February 12th Clinics begin at 11:00 a.m. MEN’S PICKLEBALL CLUB Mondays and Thursdays We meet at 3:00 p.m. at the Pickleball Court LADIES PICKLEBALL CLUB Meets every Friday at 8:30 a.m. at the Pickleball Court TENNIS CLINICS LADIES: Mondays at 8:30 a.m. Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:00 a.m. MEN: Tuesdays at 9:00 a.m. HOLIDAY JUNIOR CLINICS Monday, December 22 nd to Saturday, January 3 rd 3-6 years 11:30 a.m. 6-10 years 12:00 p.m. 11-15 years 1:00 p.m. HOLIDAY JUNIOR TOURNAMENTS
TENNIS CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SCHEDULE ALL LEVELS MEN and WOMEN DOUBLES WEEK January 19 th to January 25 th All teams have one week to complete the whole tournament Please sign up in the tennis shop ALL LEVELS MIXED DOUBLES WEEK February 23 rd to March 1st All teams have one week to complete the whole tournament Please sign up in the tennis shop ALL LEVELS HUSBAND and WIFE WEEK March 16 th to March 22 nd All teams have one week to complete the whole tournament Please sign up in the tennis shop ALL LEVELS MEN and LADIES SINGLES WEEK April 6 th to April 12 th All matches have one week to complete the whole tournament Please sign up in the tennis shop
Boys and Girls Singles Tournament Friday, December 26 th at 4:00 p.m. Boys and Girls Doubles Tournament Saturday, December 27 th at 4:00 p.m. Tennis Family Tournament Sunday, December 28 th at 4:00 p.m. Davis Cup Team Tennis Monday, December 29 th at 4:00 p.m. (Grand) Parents Tournament Tuesday, December 30 th at 4:00 p.m.
To schedule a tennis match and to sign up for clinics, tournaments and lessons, please call the Tennis Pro Shop (561) 622-1623.
December 2014
With the Holidays fast approaching here are a few reminders of our rules and regulations as it per- tains to guests in our facilities: Administration Please register your guests, per guest pass in any of our offices and outlets or online under the POA-tab Fitness Center We welcome your guests to the Fitness Center after 11:00 a.m. Please sign in with the Fitness Staff prior to exercising. Creek Club Activities for children have been scheduled and will be held by the pool or as listed in the Recreation Guide for Kids (Never Neverland brochure). Children under the age of thirteen are not allowed in the Fitness Center. Please supervise your children younger than sixteen (16). area in the 19th Hole for Members Only during Breakfast hours Please respect the attire in our Dining Outlets, Golf-, Tennis– and Fitness facilities. Remember: “No shoes, no shirt = no service!” Country Club Casual attire describes trousers, which includes jeans, shorts, a polo shirt and casual shoes for a man. We love for you to join us with your pets for Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the designated dining area outside the 19th Hole. Members are responsible for the conduct of all of their guests using the facilities
Dear Frenchman’s Creek Members,
Unfortunately, due to a scheduling conflict our event on January 18, 2015 “Play Bridge with the Pros” has been cancelled. Irma Blauner Anne Stanfield Co-Chairs Women for Cancer Research Committee When other members or guests are waiting, maximum use of all cardiovascular equipment is thirty (30) minutes. If equipment is being used, a sign-up sheet is available for time. Pools at Main Club and Beach Club There are no lifeguard on duty at the Pools (Main Club and Beach Club). Accordingly, each Member and /or guest assumes the risk of personal injury by using these facilities. Infants must wear “swimming” diapers. Infants’ diapers may only be changed in the designated outdoor changing area and bathrooms. Roads and Traffic If you enjoy going for a walk and you use French- man’s Creek Drive, please walk against traffic Are you using your vehicle on property? Speed limit is 25 MPH. Speeding in excess of the posted speed limit for any motorized vehicle or golf carts will result in a speeding violation. Most Golf Carts are two-seaters. Please for your own safety, golf cart usage is limited to two peo- ple at a time (Driver License required) Dining Family Breakfast, we have reserved the lounge
December 2014
DECEMBER LADIES’ COVE/CREEK CHALLENGE Tuesday, December 2 nd Shotgun 8:30 a.m. at Frenchman’s Creek MEN’S COVE/CREEK CHALLENGE Wednesday, December 3 rd
JANUARY LADIES’ MEMBER / MEMBER January 6 th & 8 th January 13 th & 15 th 9 and 18 Holes Tee times MEN’S MEMBER / MEMBER
LADIES’ PRESIDENT’S CUP February 10 th & 12 th Ringer Tournament LADIES’ GOLF DAYS GOLF Tuesdays
8:30 a.m.—18 Holes 9:30 a.m.– 9 Holes
NINE, WINE & DINE Friday, February 13 th 3:00 p.m. Start 9 Hole Format JUNIOR CLINICS February 16 th & 17 th
Shotgun 8:45 a.m. at Admiral’s Cove
January 16 th & 17 th January 23 rd & 24 th Tee times WOMEN FOR CANCER RESEARCH Tuesday, January 27 th 8:30 a.m.—18 Holes 9:30 .m.—9 Holes 1:00 p.m. Luncheon LADIES’ GOLF DAYS GOLF Tuesdays Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. MEN’S MEMBER GUEST DAY January 30 th Shotgun 8:45 a.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. FEBRUARY LADIES’ MEMBER GUEST DAY Feb ruary 3 rd Shotgun 8:45 a.m. Format: Shamble 1 Best Ball FRENCHMAN’S CUP February 5 th Dinner 6:30 p.m. February 6 th & 7 th Golf events 8:30 a.m.—18 Holes 9:30 a.m.– 9 Holes MEN’S GOLF DAY
NINE, WINE & DINE Friday, December 5 th
3:00 p.m. Start. 9 Hole format.
from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. FAMILY GOLF EVENT Wednesday, February 18 th 12:45 p.m. Shotgun 9 & 18 Holes SADIE HAWKINS Sunday, February 22 nd 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Format: Scramble MIXED COUPLES MEMBER GUEST DAY February 27 th Shotgun 12:30 p.m. Format: Shamble Brunch 10:30 a.m. Cocktails & Dinner 5:00 p.m. LADIES’ GOLF DAYS Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.—18 Holes 9:30 a.m.– 9 Holes MEN’S GOLF DAY Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.
LADIES’ ECLECTIC December 9 th & 11 th
8:30 a.m. —18 Hole 9:30 a.m. —9 Hole MEN’S HEALTH DAY Wednesday, December 10 th Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Golf event begins at 8:45 a.m. MEN’S PRESIDENT’S CUP Friday, December 12 th and Saturday, December 13 th LADIES’ GOLF DAYS Tuesdays 8:30 a.m.—18 Holes 9:30 a.m.– 9 Holes MEN’S GOLF DAY Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. JUNIOR CLINICS from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. FAMILY GOLF EVENT Wednesday, December 24 th 12:45 p.m. Shotgun 9 & 18 Holes December 22 nd & 23 rd December 29 th & 30 th
December 2014
Men’s Health Day Wednesday, December 10 th Supporting
7:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m.
Shotgun, 18-Hole and 9 Hole Events Make your own foursome or Sign up as an individual & the Committee will assign you to a group Non Golfers welcome to attend the luncheon & hospital presentation
12:45 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m.
Luncheon in the Main Dining Room
Guest Speakers with Q&A Forum
Awards Presentation and Raffle Prizes Gift Packages For All Contributors
December 2014
SECURITY The Unexpected Golf Cart Hazard Article: Jun 14, 2004 and had felt a bit queasy when they awoke. But since they had been outside now for nearly 15 minutes, the headache and nausea was almost gone. The lieutenant directed one of the paramedic/firefighters to do medical assessments of both homeowners who were now being considered patients. Re-evaluation of the garage still showed a significant concentration of CO. But what could be causing the elevated level? The garage contained an automobile, electric golf cart and charger, washer and electric dryer, a few laundry products, and some gardening equipment. The hot water tank and heating/air conditioning system, both totally electric, were also in the garage. Back to Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner for more Q & A. Was the car used this evening? No, they had gone out with friends. The car hadn’t left the garage in more than 24 hours. Was the house closed up and the heat on? Yes. The outside temperature was in the mid 50's. The heat had been on all evening. Was the golf cart used? Mr. Homeowner had played golf earlier in the day and had used the cart. When he returned around 1 P.M. the cart had been parked in its usual spot near the heating system and plugged in to the charger. It had been on charge continuously since that time. Hearing that answer, the firefighter who had conducted the home sweep with the gas detector reported to the lieutenant that the CO reading had been at its highest right near the golf cart and heating system. Okay, but lead-acid battery charging did not produce CO.
It's just after midnight when the alarm sounds for a carbon monoxide detector activation. Dispatch reports that the residents have left the home. The crew shuffles from bed; there’s no rush since CO alarms are "non-emergency" once residents have evacuated. The address is noted and the engine heads out. The night is clear with a distinct chill in the air. Upon arrival Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner, wearing bedclothes, are standing in the driveway wrapped in blankets. Sure enough, the CO detector is actively sounding. The shift lieutenant speaks to Mr. Homeowner and notes that the home, a two-bedroom patio villa, is an entirely electric home. There is no gas heat and no gas appliances. In fact, the home isn’t even piped for gas. The alarm activation is, most likely, the result of a faulty detector. But, being the ever-vigilant fire officer, the lieutenant orders his crew of three to don SCBA and proceed through the house with the gas detector. Shortly thereafter, one of the firefighters reports a CO reading in the garage of nearly 40 parts per million. Whoa! Total home ventilation is effected, the attic space is checked and one of the firefighters does a "walk around" of the entire home perimeter. Mr. and Mrs. Homeowner are asked about how they felt, the alarm activation, and any activities in the home that might have set off the detector. No, they hadn't been burning any candles. No, they hadn't done any late-night charbroiling in the oven. No, they hadn't done anything unusual. In fact, they had been away from the house for several hours, returning at about 10 P.M. Shortly after being dropped off by friends, they went to bed. They were awakened from a sound sleep by the detector. Come to think of it, yes, they both had a slight headache
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December 2014
18,500) of those are electric.
(Continued from page 19)
Lots of golf carts being charged, but why the CO detector activations? Lead acid batteries do not emit carbon monoxide. Lead acid batteries do, however, emit hydrogen, and research gave us both the answer and alerted us to another prob- lem. The typical CO detector is designed to activate when the unit detects 150 parts per million (ppm) of CO for 30 minutes. That same detector will also activate when exposed to 300 ppm of hydrogen gas for 30 minutes. The amounts of hydrogen gas produced during lead acid battery charging in golf carts far exceed 300 ppm. And, when that charging is done in a closed garage with the golf cart parked next to the heating system, the hydrogen is introduced into the home. Thus the alarm. So what’s the problem other than nuisance alarms? The dangers of hydrogen became readily apparent as the research continued. Those dangers include asphyxiation, fire, and explosion. Three conditions must exist to cause batteries and charging systems to form an explosive situation. First, there must be an accumulation of hydrogen gases. Second, a failure to detect the hydrogen gas must exist. Third, there must be a source of ignition. Hydrogen gas is odorless, and colorless, and its flammable limits are between 4% and 7%. The level of hydrogen which will produce an oxygen deficient environment is well within the flammable limits. This makes the possibility of fire and explosion very real. In addition, the potential of forming and igniting flammable mixtures is higher because the gas easily migrates through small openings, cracks, and crevices. Ignition sources such as electrical sparks, open flames, and static electricity are readily available and are quite common in the residential as well as commercial environment. Beyond the obvious danger of fire, explosion and asphyxiation, little data is available indicating the
So, why the significant carbon monoxide reading? A puzzle to be sure. But since the hour was late, the home was secure, CO levels had dropped to near zero after ventilation, and the residents felt fine (declining any treatment or transport), the call was terminated. The cart was unplugged and the homeowners were instructed to call 911 if there was any further problem. The call may have been concluded, but the problem wasn’t solved. The incident was recorded and logged with similar situations. In each of those similar situations, CO detectors had been activated in homes with electric golf carts being charged. It was time to do some digging. What was the correlation between golf cart charging and CO detector activation? Why would this be a problem in The Villages? The second question was the easy one to answer. The Villages, located in the heart of Central Florida, is the fastest growing retirement community in America. The current population is approximately 47,000. By 2012, the population is expected to be 104,000. Fire protection, fire prevention, and emergency medical services are provided by The Villages Public Safety Department, an entity of The Village Center Community Development District, a unit of "special purpose" local government established by Florida State Statute to oversee the growth of The Villages and provide municipal services. The community presents a lifestyle strongly centered around golf and recreation. As a result, the golf cart is viewed as an essential by many residents and has become the second family car. In some cases it is the only form of transportation. In addition, low speed vehicles (LSVs) are becoming a common sight as gasoline prices shoot upward. Survey data revealed that over 96% of households in The Villages have a golf cart. That’s nearly 22,300 golf carts in private residences. More than 83% (or
(Continued on page 21)
December 2014
(Continued from page 20)
untoward health effects of long-term exposure to the gases given off during the battery charging process. The quantity required to cause death is very substantial. NFPA 704 identifies the health effects of hydrogen as being a 0. In addition, OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) and Recommended Exposure Level (REL) are not set due to the fact that hydrogen is considered to be relatively safe below the flammable and explosive levels. Even though hydrogen is viewed as being non-toxic, many occupants in homes responded to by Villages Public Safety Department personnel have complained of headaches, nausea, dyspnea, and vertigo. It is anecdotally believed that this may be caused by hydrogen’s displacement of oxygen in a fairly well-sealed home, and that the lower oxygen concentration may result in patients with the above symptoms. The Department’s investigation has brought about a new awareness regarding golf cart battery charging and carbon monoxide detector alarms. The Department is putting together a public information program using the community’s newspaper, radio, and television stations to alert golf cart owners to the problem. The ad campaign will stress proper techniques for charging golf cart batteries. Hydrogen gas dissipates at an extremely fast rate and simple ventilation is viewed as the easiest method of controlling potential dangers when charging golf carts. Newer golf carts and chargers allow for automatic shut of the charging system when the cycle is completed. Some older golf cart models and after-market or "adapted" charging systems allow for continuous charging and, as a result, continuous production of hydrogen gas. While we cannot prevent such products from being used, the Department has an obligation to inform the public of the dangers and to take steps to mitigate those dangers. The Villages Homeowners Association currently conducts golf cart driving safety programs for all residents. We hope to include a segment focused on safe charging of golf carts. The Department is also working with local golf cart dealers to insure that prospective purchasers receive charging instruction brochures. Lastly, The Villages Department of Public Safety has changed its focus of response to carbon monoxide detector activations from being CO only to potentially being either a CO or hydrogen gas emergency. The Department’s policy of non-emergency response to CO detector activations where residents have left the building has changed to emergency response in every situation due to the significant potential of hydrogen gas explosion and fire. Emergency services providers have typically looked at the possibility of hydrogen off-gassing from batteries as a minimal problem. In The Villages, we’ve learned otherwise.
Cigar Club
December 2014
iPhone & iPad Workshops Are Back!
Learn iOS 8 and the Basic Uses of these iOS Devices
Apple has introduced the new iPhone6, iPhone 6plus and the iPad Air 2 and along with these new iOS devices a new operating system iOS 8. You have barely figured out how to use iOS 7 and now you have to learn the most advanced op- erating system ever developed?????
Don’t worry! We will once again hold a series of iPhone and iPad classes to help you learn the func- tions of your Apple device and everything you need to know about iOS 8 Workshops will be held over four sessions on the following dates from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
Tuesday, December 2 - iPhone Thursday, December 4 - iPad Tuesday, December 9 - iPhone Thursday, December 11 - iPad
These classes will be geared for all levels of users from beginner to the advanced user and for all models of the iPhone and iPad running operating systems iOS 8. Call the POA Office today to reserve your space for either the iPhone work- shop or the iPad workshop, or both. 561-627-1467
Monday, December 8th
Monday, December 15th
8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.
Tasc Fitness Apparel · Kanaris Gemstone Jewelry
Jenny’s Jewels · Anatomie Fitness Clothing
December 2014
December 2014
December 2014
How Do We Eat In Balance, Feel Energized, Satiated And Lose Weight. Lunch & Learn Lecture
This discussion will look at the role nutrition plays in nourishing your body, help you lose your cravings and how balancing nutrient dense foods and carbohydrates keeps you satiated.
Friday, January 9th 11:30 am—12:30 pm presented by the Fitness & Spa Center Featuring Maureen Buchbinder Nutrition Coach MS, MBA, BS, CC. Maureen is a Nutrition Consultant and a Health Educator. Maureen specializes in weight loss and getting healthy. She emphasizes on educating you, so you can understand why it is so difficult to maintain or attain your ideal body weight. Sign up in the Food & Beverage Office (561) 273-2647
December 2014
December 2014
2015 Men’s One Day Member Guest
Friday, January 30, 2015
Please Invite One or Three Guests
7 :30 a.m. Registration, Breakfast Practice Range & Short Game Area available 8:45 a.m. Shotgun 1:00 p.m. Lunch and Awards Presentation
FORMAT: Two Best Balls of Foursome
The Golf Pro Shop at Frenchman’s Creek (561) 622-1620 www.
December 2014
Happy New Year! Celebrate with us .
Best Band in town Supper Club for Adults begins at 8:30 p.m. Dining and Dance Celebration to welcome the New Year 2015
RSVP (561) 273-2647
December 2014
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