The activity does not require supplies, equipment or deliveries or result in debris, noise, odors or traffic, which, in the discretion of the Board of Governors, is inconsistent with the residential character of the community.
Vendors / Service Providers Working in the Community
1. All vendors and service providers working in the community for the Association or a resident for more than one day, must acquire a Frenchman’s Creek Identification Card.
2. A criminal background check and driver’s license check will be conducted as part of the identification card process.
3. Members should inform their vendor / service provider of this process. Any vendor / service provider refusing to abide by this request will be denied access to the community. 4. Vendors / Service providers who have been adjudicated guilty of a felony within the last five years, are currently under indictment for a felony or have been adjudicated guilty of a heinous crime at any time will be denied access to the community.
5. Vendors / Service providers who do not possess a valid / legal driver’s license w ill not be permitted to drive on Frenchman’s Creek roadways.
Owners Responsible for Contractors and Invitees.
Owners are responsible for the conduct of their contractors and invitees while they are on Frenchman’s Creek property.
Traffic Rules for Contractors.
Speeding in excess of the posted speed limit for any motorized vehicle or golf carts will result in a speeding violation. Two speeding violations within a twelve (12) month period or speeds of forty (40) MPH or greater will automatically be referred to the Director of Security for disciplinary action, which may include, without limitation, the suspension of access to the Community.
Equity Payment and Refund Terms
Subject to paragraphs B and C of this Rule X, and any exceptions provided for in the Declaration, the equity payment obligation of a new Member under Article IV, Section 3(A), of the Declaration and the refundable portion of such equity payment shall be set by the Board of Governors, subject to the terms and conditions of the Declaration and these Rules. The equity payment amount due at
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