
All cart path signs must be strictly followed. When cart path only signs are posted, all carts, including those with disability flags, must remain on cart paths at all times.


Medical Disability:


Members with a medical disability, who have been granted a state issued disability drivers certificate or who have received approval from the Director of Golf must display a distinctive flag on their golf cart. Eligibility for the continued use of such a flag and the related privileges will be reviewed periodically but no less than annually. Such flag permits the disabled Member to approach greens and tees no nearer than five (5) yards to the outer edge of the greens collar and tees (but must be parked to the side or rear of the greens and tees) and no nearer than five (5) yards to green-side bunkers and edges of water hazards, but does not permit the Member to drive on the south side of the driving range. Members granted a medical flag must comply with Pace of Play requirements and must repair damage to the golf courses. including repairing divots and ball marks, raking bunkers, and repairing scuff marks on the greens.




Under no circumstances shall a cart with a disability flag drive between the green and green-side bunker.


A Member with a disability flag may cross a Par 3 at right angles using the 90° rule.


The Director of Golf may make additional accommodations for Members in the case of disability.


Private Golf Cart Use:


Members in good standing have the privilege of using their personal golf carts on the golf courses.


It is recommended that privately owned golf carts have the Members first and last names on their private golf cart. Anything that is of a political and/or commercial nature may not be affixed, written, painted or flown on a privately-owned golf cart. Only private golf carts with low profile or golf turf tires will be allowed on the golf courses. All terrain tires or tires with aggressive tire tread patterns are not permitted on the golf courses.



No person may operate a golf cart within Frenchman’s Creek


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