SECURITY COMMITTEE Frank Spitalny, Chairperson Ed Zimmerman, Board Oversight
Murray Brown John Hecht
Iris Leaf Joel Leavitt Norman Stavisky
Lewis Steinberg Jenifer Weintraub
During the past year, a number of security initiatives have been accomplished with guidance from the Security Com- mittee. The topic of traffic safety is an ongoing concern of the Se- curity Committee. Educational initiatives, such as videos, newsletter articles, and email blasts continue to be utilized by Security to enlighten residents and guests about speed- ing, stopping at stop signs, pedestrians walking in the cor- rect direction, not overloading golf carts during the holidays, and not allowing underage drivers to utilize golf carts on property. The speeding issue on property remains under control with brief increases during the holidays. Our Stop Sign issue continues to be problematic and we have begun a new initiative of posting security staff at various locations to educate residents and guests should they choose not to stop. Due to recent events, approximately 1,600 feet of fence line will have sensors added to enhance the existing perimeter security system. The recent security breach is a wake-up call to all of us that although we make tremendous effort to se-
cure the community, we can never be completely invul- nerable to the crime that occurs every day outside our walls and fences. Our perimeter security system has been re-assessed and in addition to enhancements, Allied Uni- versal, our security provider, will be conducting random “Red-Team” exercises in an attempt to breach the perime- ter. This testing of our perimeter from outside Allied Uni- versal staff will test our cameras, analytics, sensors, and staff in order to insure the technology is functioning and the staff is maintaining vigilant. Moving into 2019 the Security Committee will continue its efforts to monitor and guide the Security Department in maintaining the highest levels of safety and security for our community. The Committee would like to thank Director Mark Hall and his staff for their continuous efforts to safeguard the community.
Frank Spitalny, Chairperson Security Committee
TENNIS COMMITTEE Lee Storch, Chairperson Norman Barham, Board Oversight
Mickey Berman Lynn Byrd Joel Comiteau
Joan Gelch Robert Gleiber Joel Leavitt Laura Lustig
Daniel Myerson Candace Scherer William Sherman
We have had an active and fun filled year in the Tennis pro- gram. The upgrades to our irrigation system have resulted in excellent play on five more courts. The holidays brought in a large crowd of tennis players which Frenchman’s Creek was able to accommodate nicely. The Children’s program was successful once again as well. The newly expanded Pickleball and surrounding areas turned out beautifully. Many people have commented on how much they are enjoying the Pickleball program and the socialization associated with their activities.
Bocce Ball & Pétanque roll along and participants are hav- ing fun.
Once again, the Tennis Committee would like to thank the Board of Governors and Mr. Goswami for their support. The Committee also thanks Tikky Srieud, Director of Ten- nis, Kristen Wertenberger, Head Tennis Professional, and Paul Lambrakis, Shop Manager.
Lee Storch, Chairperson Tennis Committee
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 21
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