MARKETING COMMITTEE Michael Eigner, Chairperson
Nancy Berkley Chris Burke Lynn Byrd
Richard Golber Debbie Greenberg Abraham Kamor Gale Salz
Suzanne Speiser Ira Weinstein Carrol Zazik
Strengthen the connection between club offerings, member satisfaction and the enhancement of market share. Challeng- es in the areas of membership growth, usage, retention and satisfaction can be overcome when a club is correctly posi- tioned as a lifestyle enhancement, has relevant programming and “makes sense” to existing and potential members. Secure a strong connection including awareness, brand con- sistency and creativity, all which require robust communica- tion capabilities. We have focused on internal and external best practices: Member Referral Realtor Awareness Drip Marketing Campaigns Website Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Website Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Website Social Media Marketing (SMM) Reaching a targeted audience with solid messaging Setting Frenchman’s Creek Beach and Country Club apart from our competitors
Membership Structure and Development: The key to French- man’s Creek Beach and Country Club social and financial suc- cess is a full membership that actively enjoys the Club. As such, Marketing Committee initiatives have addressed membership strategies and action items that:
Build a waiting list for membership. Grow the non-golfing member activities.
Make the club more inviting and welcoming to guests and prospective members. Increase existing member use and retention. Encourage members to become involved in membership marketing process. Offer policies that are consistent, balanced and appropriate for the type of active, total family-oriented club that is Frenchman’s Creek. Applying the education received through research and analy- sis is what makes us competitive and sustainable within the market.
Michael Eigner, Chairperson Marketing Committee
MEMBER RELATIONS COMMITTEE Judy Rubin, Chairperson Krista Nicklaus, Board Oversight
Sue Davis Avroy Fanaroff Arlene Feldman Connie Golber
Lauren Jacobson Shelley Parker Gale Salz Barbara Sidel
Susan Slepkow Bobbi Sobel Ruth Stavisky Joanne Weinbach
This year we tried to offer a small and varied event every month during season in order to bring new members and committee members together with our overall goal of integrating new members as quickly as possible into our community. Each member of the committee was assigned to a new member and asked to personally make contact with them in November. All Committee members were asked to include a new member at their table for the opening dinner dance. I am proud to report that most did. Our first event that also included our Board of Governors was held on November 29, 2018. It consisted of an evening cocktail party followed by a team building exercise. All attendees were divided into two teams and participated in a take off on the television show “Family Feud.” All questions per- tained to life at Frenchman’s Creek. There were loads of laughs as well as maximum new/long time member interactions. At the conclusion of the evening, all new members were presented with wonderful Frenchman’s Creek related “goodie” bags. On December 9, 2018, we had a separate section in the dining room for the Sunday Night Barbeque. Again, we had great par- ticipation beginning with drinks and hors d’oeuvres in the lounge.
On January 15, 2019 we had an elegant evening showcasing our Chefs’ many talents. Chairperson of the Food and Bever- age Committee and Board Member, Jeffrey Glazer, intro- duced 42 attendees to the Chef’s Table concept with or with- out wine pairings. The Committee opted to change things up this year so that every avenue was given to new members to mix and mingle with each other and with their new neighbors. I personally want to thank each committee member for their assistance in making these events lively, fun and interesting. Additionally, a special thank you to Kathy O’Brien for her support, guid- ance and ingenuity, as well as Martina Haut and all of the Food and Beverage staff for their invaluable expertise.
Judy Rubin, Chairperson Member Relations Committee
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 20
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