ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE Judy Konigsberg & Ethel Schultz, Co-Chairpersons Paula Wolfson, Design Consultant
Wendi Adler Harris Berman Sandy Bobb Arlene Cohen Michael Eigner Barbara Field Andrea Finkel
Linda Halpern Barbara Hanig Sandi Hoffman Dottie Kovel Gale Salz Joan Schwartzman
Susan Shaw Carol Sherman Lila Silver Sue Sternberg Carol Warshauer Wendy Weinstein Paula Wolfson
The objectives of the entertainment committee include develop- ing and presenting new, exciting and imaginative evenings that members will enjoy attending. Its purpose is to provide a happy and fun atmosphere through entertainment programs, such as Holiday Happenings and themed décor that result in community pride. As always, we presented a guide book for the season which has all the events for the year…it was a change in format and every- one seems to like it. We opened the season with what has become our annual Hal- loween party. Each year more and more members are attending. On December 9 th , we had our opening dinner dance with over 300 present. Everyone had a fabulous time. Thanks to Paula Wolfson for the most beautiful décor. The room was breathtak- ing, the food was exceptional, and the band was the best. Each morning during the holiday week we had favors for our grandchildren at breakfast, and then a show at 10am. One of the most successful shows was “High Tech and High Touch.” We exploded volcanoes and made slime, among other child friendly activities. These shows were attended by many visiting fami- lies, sometimes with more than 200 in attendance. The carnival was a huge success. There were plenty of games and rides for all ages, and the weather was warm and sunny. This year we added tenting over the lunch tables. Protection from the sun seemed most appreciated. We hired a video game bus that was kept busy by our teenagers.
The theme nights were very successful. The New Year’s par- ties were a great success. The family party was filled with much excitement and energy. Thru the week we provided DJs and themed party nights. The food was delicious and the décor was exquisite; it created an ambiance that was perfect for New Year’s Eve. Truly a thrill to be there. In January, we began with the Headliners Series which was held on Thursday evening. Opening this year were the Bronx Wanderers. Cabaret nights were on Monday evenings at the Beach Club, and Live on Saturday Night continued as usual showcasing wonderful and diverse entertainers. Please continue to join us and help make more wonderful memories at Frenchman’s Creek. We appreciate all the sup- port the community has given to all our events. We may dream it up, but you make it come to life!
Judy Konigsberg & Ethel Schultz, Co-Chairpersons Entertainment Committee
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 14
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