COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Bobbe Wiener, Chairperson —FC Life Norma Lippman, Chairperson—FCTV Steven Bernstein & Ed Zimmerman—Board Oversights
Louise Albert Mimi Bergel Shirley Goldberg
Marleen Hacker Mark Hurd Myrna Leven Rima Robinson
Joan Siegel Lois Stern Judy Tobin
FRENCHMAN’S CREEK LIFE Our “communication” at Frenchman’s Creek is very busy every year providing the membership with all the last minute news, activities and past events of our community. Frenchman’s Creek Life is the name of our monthly publica- tion as it reflects our daily life at Frenchman’s Creek and what makes our community so special. Our cover differenti- ates it from other publications and will have the same cover each month. FC LIFE is published from October until June. Our publication is by, for and about our members. Our columns include: “The Home Front” which mentions who has moved into the community or changed houses in the community. The “Precious Pets,” column depicts our mem- bers with their pets and a little story about the pet. The wonderful column, “Up The Creek,” is our personal column of interesting and memorable happenings in our resi- dents’ lives that they wish to share with everyone. One of our columns reviews past events, so all can know what is hap- pening in our community; and another depicts the winners of the Ladies Golf Tournaments plus an article about the major tournaments. We also have a “Meet your Neighbor” column which highlights new residents to Frenchman’s Creek. Members are encouraged to share their joys with the commu- nity, contribute an article of interest or just be a guest con- tributor for an issue. I cannot thank my Frenchman’s Creek Life Committee enough for the exceptional and outstanding job they have done this year. They are a pleasure to work with and greatly
enjoy being correspondents. Feel free to talk to any of them if you have something you want published. We work hard to up- grade our articles, bring you news of our members and offer other columns of interest for our members to read. We are al- ways looking for new columns and are open to suggestions. The paper continues to get better each year and I thank the Mar- keting/Communications Personnel, Pamela Rudd and her staff, for their help and support. FCTV This has been a transitional year for us at Chanel 999. Our for- mer Audio Visual Technician, J.P. Caldwell, left for personal reasons and we have recently welcomed Stephen Jean-Jacques to our staff as the Audio/Video Technician Manager. Stephen is working hard to become acquainted with our equipment, espe- cially the 4K editing PC Computer, which we purchased recent- ly. This computer is considerably faster in performance and will increase the speed of editing. Other new equipment includes: an auxiliary editing machine that ingests footage for the purpose of organizing and tagging for the other computer, and a Canon L series lens (very high quality) which is giving us the ability to be more flexible while filming and photographing. We have also upgraded the lighting in the studio.
We look forward to achieving a better product in the coming year.
Bobbe Wiener, Chairperson Norma Lippman, Co-Chair (FCTV) Communications Committee
2018/2019 Annual Report Page 13
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