January FC LIFE 2021

Anthony c. simboli Who lived at 2075 La Porte Drive and was a member since 1989. Our heartfelt sympathies to his beloved wife, Gloria and their family.

BERNARD BROWN who lived at 3100 N

Burgundy Drive and was a member since 1990.

Our heartfelt sympathies to his beloved wife, Shirlee, and their entire family. Drive and was a

NEEDED !! Do you like to take pictures and like animals.

FC LIFE is in need of a photographer to take our “Precious

Pets” pictures. All are outside due to the COVID 19. If you are

interested please call lois stern 856-305-3330 or bobbe wiener 561-775-1570. THANK YOU.

Club News Staff


Bobbe Wiener


Mimi Bergel, Minx Boren, Dr. Avroy Fanaroff, Andrea Finkel,

Shirley Goldberg, Norma Lippman, Lois Stern, Judy Tobin

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