Food and Beverage Training Manual 2021

10.) staff requirements: According to the expected number of guests our catering manager is calculating how many staff is will be needed. 11.) set up and arrangements: Additional information like flower arrangements, color of linen, chair covers, information depending on table set up and additional equipment is listed here. 12.) housekeeping and valet: for a couple of events with a lot of guests you are going to need Valet. Here you see how many of our Valet parkers are going to be at the residence as well. 13.) beverage: The variety of beverages that is requested by the hosting member for that event is also important to know. It will help you to see if you have to set up bars, what kind of drinks you are supposed to prepare and which additional equipment you have to bring with you to the house. Also this information point is very important for our Beverage Manager so he knows what kind of liquor he has to order. 15.) accounting: It is necessary for your captain to know how much he has to charge at the end of the event. The Accounting department also needs to have that information because they have to double check the check. 16.) member signature and date: Our members have to sign the BEO with their name and their signature. The BEO serves as the event contract. 17.) department manager and departments: Every department manager in the F & B is getting a copy of the BEO. So they can plan their staff or food requirements. Also, the POA, Accounting, Housekeeping, Valet, Florist, Engineering and of course our General Manager receive a copy. So, every department knows what is going on if any member should ask them. 14.) entertainment: This is where you find information about a special entertainment program.


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