Food and Beverage Training Manual 2021

How to read a BEO

1.) date distributed: here you can see when the BEO has been written or changed (=revised) and you can see the initials of the person who has written it. If you should have any further questions about that event you can contact the person.

2.) date: here you will find the date for the upcoming event.

3.) event: this field shows you the kind of event. e.g.: wedding, birthday party, shiva…

4.) time: at this place you will find the time when the event will officially start

5.) member name and number: these two information parts are very important. First of all you have to know the name of the hosting members so you can greet them with their name. The member number is going to be important for charging the member. location: here you will find the location where the event will take place. It could also show you e.g.: Beach Club or Main Club. 7.) address and phone: very important. You can look up the address in our “Membership Directory”; this book also contents a street map so you will know where to go. The phone number is important for calling the members for any additional questions. 8.) attendance: this is very important for you and departments like kitchen, purchasing and our beverage department for ordering liquor and wine; Because you will have to prepare everything for the party according to this given number of expected guests. 9.) fax: an additional feature. If something needed to be faxed, e.g.: additional menu suggestions, entertainment…. 6.) 10.) food requirements: this point is not only for you very important. The kitchen needs to know what they will need to prepare. You will recognize here if there what menu is going to be served, i.e.: any hors-d’œuvres and what kind of table set up you will have to prepare. Either you are going to set up for a buffet or for a seated dinner/ lunch.


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